Campus Life
Eco Explorer
Fashion Files
Movie Magic

A student’s GPA is 3.8. What data type would be a good fit for this data?

What is double


A clothing store calculates the total price of an order, which comes out to $49.756. You, the cashier rounds this amount to the nearest whole number before charging the customer. How would you write a Python statement to do it for you?



shoe_size = input("Enter your shoe size: ")

If the customer enters 9, what will be the data type of shoe_size?



To advertise your indie film, you need to pay the local newspaper per character in your film title. Write code that counts the number of characters in your film title.



If a student has at least a 3.5 GPA, they make the Dean’s List. Write code that prints "Dean’s List" if the gpa is 3.5 or higher.

if gpa >= 3.5:

    print("Dean’s List")


Plot, using matplotlib, CO₂ levels [300, 320, 340, 360]  on the Y-axis over the years [2000, 2005, 2010, 2015] on the X-axis.

plt.plot(years, co2_levels)


product_code = "FW23-JEANS-BLK-12345"

From the product code, write code that extracts the color code ("BLK").

What is product_code.split("-")[2]


You have a movie release date stored as:

release_date = "2023-07-21"

Extract the release year from this string, using slicing.

year = release_date[:4]


A student’s email is stored as email = "". Write code to extract the student’s username (the part before @).

What is email.split("@")[0]


A climate scientist wants to record temperature readings every 5 years from the year 2000 to 2020. Write a for loop using range() to print these years.

for year in range(2000, 2021, 5):



A clothing store offers a discount if a customer buys more than 3 items or if their total purchase exceeds $100. Write a logical expression in Python to check if a customer qualifies for the discount. Use num_items for the number of items and total_price for the total purchase amount.

if num_items > 3 or total_price > 100:

    print("Discount Applied!")


A movie theater offers discounted tickets to seniors (age 65+) and children (age 12 or below). Write code that prints “Discount Applied” if the customer qualifies.

if age >= 65 or age <= 12:

    print("Discount Applied")


    print("Full Price")


A student takes 3 classes per semester. Courses are an average of 3 credits. How many semesters will they take to graduate if they need at least 120 credits?

if total_credits % (classes_per_semester * credits_per_class) == 0:
    semesters = total_credits / (classes_per_semester * credits_per_class)


semesters = total_credits / (classes_per_semester * credits_per_class) + 1


The following code is supposed to print the names of renewable energy sources but has a bug. Find and fix the error.

energy_sources = ["Solar", "Wind", "Hydro", "Geothermal"]
for i in range(energy_sources):

Iteration is messed up -- the range function is incorrectly used. Change the loop to simply iterate by value:

for i in energy_sources:


A fashion retailer offers a limited-time discount on jackets. The discount applies only if the jacket is in stock and the customer has a membership.

Given the boolean variables:
    •    in_stock (whether the jacket is available)
    •    has_membership (whether the customer is a member)

What boolean expression would determine if the customer gets the discount?

if in_stock and has_membership


From our star wars characters list, can you write code that counts the number of digits a character has on average.

characters = ["C3PO", "CT-7567 \"Rex\"", "BB-8"....]

Rush should probably put this in code...


A student wants to save $1,000 for a study abroad trip. They can save $150 each month. Write code that shows them how much they've saved up as each month passes, and then finally how many months it takes them.

goal = 1000

savings = 0

months = 0

while savings < goal:
    savings += 150
    months += 1
    print("Month:", months, " Amount Saved:", savings)

print("Total months:", months)


A company is considered eco-friendly if it uses only renewable energy sources. If we have a list of renewable energy sources, how would you check if a company's energy sources are renewable?

Rush should probably solve this...

You are running a fashion show where 10 models will walk down the runway, one at a time, wearing an outfit designed by one of 10 designers. You have two lists, models and designers. Write code that makes announcements like this:
"Number X we have our model <model's name> walking up wearing an outfit designed by <designer's name>!"

Rush should solve this...


Your movie theater has only 20 seats. Write code that asks a customer how many tickets they want to buy, repeatedly, until tickets run out. If a customer asks for more tickets than available, print a message saying they cannot buy these many tickets.

Rush should solve this...
