What are some good document preparation steps?
Removing staples, removing wrinkles, and image cleanup software
What are the 3 ways in which a transcript can get into the BFT process?
Scan, Sweep, or EDI
Where do you first index the transcripts in OnBase?
Document Processing
After a transcript goes through Brainware, it comes back into OnBase for review in what type of document?
A Unity Form
What does OCR stand for - and what does it do?
Optical Character Recognition. Brainware uses this technology to read a transcript
How can a user send a Course Rule form to a Department for review?
Use the Send for Review ad hoc task
What is a user action called in workflow?
Ad Hoc Task button within OnBase Workflow
What is the difference between a Life Cycle and a Queue?
The Life Cycle is the Workflow process, while the Queue is the step within the process
What does a batch 550 mean?
It is a College Transcript that is ready to be reviewed, the OCR process is complete.
Can a transcript be in more than 1 Life Cycle? If so, why?
Yes, when there is a missing or invalid Student ID, the transcript remains in the BFTE workflow, while a copy is sent to Part Match.
Where the data review phase takes place via user sight verification and corrects extracted transcript data
Brainware Web Verifier
What can be changed when re-indexing a document that cannot be done through the keyword panel?
The Document Type
You have accidentally deleted a course from the table. How can this be corrected?
Click the folder icon to return to batch list. When it asks if you want to save, say 'No'. Original data will be restored when batch is reopened.
OR, add a row to the coursework and manually key in the course data.
How does a user know that a College transcript is ready to be sent to PeopleSoft?
It automatically moves to the TCE2 Ready for Review queue.
How can you look at the original transcript while reviewing the Transcript Unity Form?
Related Items tab
If a Student Calls and asks for an update on their transcript which is in Workflow, how you can find out which Life Cycle / Queue it is located?
Use the Transcript Search custom query and check the Workflow Queue column
What are the steps to correct a document classification. For example, if a high school transcript is marked a college transcript
(1) Options> Reclassify Document Manually
(2) F7
How do you send a document back to Workflow?
Right-click, select Workflow->Execute Workflow, and select the life cycle needed
This tool can help you lookup a student’s ID or a school’s ID during indexing.
Reverse Lookup
What happens if the student's transcript shows more than 1 degree awarded?
Only one degree can be added in Brainware. Any additional degrees must be added to the Transcript Unity Form in workflow.