developmental theories
learning theory/ sexual development/ cultural development
attachment/ conflict
LMSW Practice questions

This describes 8 periods with accompanying crises representing developmental themes that ascend in prominence from childhood through adulthood

Erikson's stages of development


A new born baby is crying because they are hungry. Mom comes as soon as the baby cries and gives it a bottle of baby formula. 

Trust v. Mistrust


Johnny is a 9 year old boy who is being physically abused by his dad.  His dad gets home every day at the same exact time of 6pm. He always enters the front door and uses his keys. Whenever Johnny hears the keys in the front door at 6pm, he starts to experience intense fear.

classical conditioning ( pavlov)


Johnny gets very upset when mom leaves him at school and will take a long time to be soothed. Once soothed, he plays with his friends in class. Upon pickup, Johnny doesnt greet his mom at the front of the class like his friends, instead he ignores he pushes her away when she tries to give him a hug.

ambivalent attachment


A family services agency has a high number of clients who do not keep appointments. The agency's social work administrator conducts a client satisfaction survey, which reveals that clients believe the agency is not welcoming to their children. To alleviate the client's concern, what should the administrator do FIRST?

a. create specialized activities for children

b. evaluate the need to change agency programs

c. obtain consultation to develop an action plan

d. form a committee of clients and staff to identify solutions

The correct answer is D. Engaging those who are directly involved is an important FIRST step. Forming a committee engages the clients and staff in formulating solutions. 


Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

Piaget 4 stages of intellectual growth

A 5 year old girl is making cookies with her dad. As the dad is cracking eggs into the flour, the little girl says " I want to do it daddy!" Dad lets her crack the egg into the bowl and tells her she did a great job.

Initiative v. guilt.


Rufus is trying to teach his puppy how to roll over. He tells his dog, " roll over" and the puppy finally rolls over! Rufus tells the god, " good boy!" and immediately rewards the dog with his favorite treat.

operant conditioning


Will and Ryan have been in a relationship for 8 months. Will has noticed Ryan always needs constant reassurance that Will isn't thinking about leaving him.

insecure attachment


A social worker facilitates a group for domestic violence perpetrators. A group member is now able to recognize the triggers for anger and is committed to changing resulting reactions. According to the transtheoretical model of change, what stage is the group member MOST likely experiencing?

a. precontemplation

b. contemplation

c. maintenance

d. termination

The correct answer is B. This question requires knowledge on the transtheoretical model of change and its stages. Because the group member recognizes triggers and is committed to change but has not determined action steps, contemplation is the most likely stage. 


level 1: pre conventional morality

level 2: conventional morality

level 3:post conventional morality

Kohlberg's theory of moral development


an 11 year old boy fails his math exam and struggles to understand long division. When he receives his failing grade on his math test, he leaves the class feeling he is the least smartest kid in the room.

industry v. inferiority


True or false: it is normal for children ages 3-7 to explore their bodies and to explore their siblings bodies that are similar in age.



" push- pull" dynamic. Can be seen as overly affectionate some days and then completely withdrawn the next. a connection is wanted but the fear of abandonment is strong so the person withdraws. 

disorganized attachment


to take into account the information processing deficits of clients with schizophrenia, what should the social worker do to BEST structure group treatment?

a. encourage the free flow of ideas

b. use expressive therapy tools

c. enforce a rigid agenda for the group

d. schedule a variety of brief activities

The correct answer is D.  providing a schedule of brief activities is BEST suited for clients with schizophrenia due to processing deficits that are typically present. 


The child uses symbols to represent objects but is not able to reason logically. The child is egocentric at this stage.

Preoperational (2-6 years old)


25 year old Marissa is in a serious relationship with her girlfriend, Anna.

intimacy v. isolation


pre-encounter, encounter, immersion-emersion

racial, ethnic, cultural development


Karl Marx is associated with what theory?

conflict theory


a social worker who recently graduated begins working in a drug treatment program. The social worker notices that clients have many needs, including medical attention, mental health services, social services, housing assistance, and employment training. The social worker feels overwhelmed. What should the social worker do FIRST?

a. establish priorities

b. be aware of countertransference

c. obtain supervision

d. plan to write a grant to hire an additional worker

the correct answer is C. Because the social worker is feeling overwhelmed, obtaining supervision is necessary. Obtaining supervision first will help the social worker to understand the situation.


Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation

6 levels of cognition


89 year old Jack looks back at his life as a lawyer and wonders if he has had any contributions to the world. He had defended high status people who he knew committed the crime, but they were let free because of him.  

integrity v. despair


A young Asian American student being constantly teased for their accent in school, leading them to question their identity and explore their heritage more deeply . 

encounter stage ( cultural development)


challenging the status quo and seeing that inequality is the result of the disproportionate share of resources.

Conflict theory


A social worker at a community mental health program includes a spirutual assessment as part of the intake interview. The program serves members of a local tribal community. What is important for the social worker to remember when working with clients who are Native Americans/ indigenous people?

a. closed ended questions within a structured protocol

b. the assessment must be kept brief and storytelling minimized

c. clinical language should be used to create a safe environment

d. trust should be established before asking for senstive information

The correct answer is D. This requires knowledge of cultural aspects of working with native americans. Trust must be established before asking for sensitive information. A, B and C create barriers towards building a trusting environment. Because storytelling is a cultural tradition for this community, it should be invited and included in interventions, not minimized. 
