What is the idea of Manifest Destiny?
The US right to expand from coast to coast (Atlantic to Pacific)
The US obtained the lands of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada from Mexico in what land acquisition
Mexican Cession 1848
Harriet Beecher Stow is famous for writing what book that displayed the horrors of slavering depicting everyday life
Uncle Toms Cabin
Slavery in the United States led to divide between the regions and causing them to stop worrying about the good of the overall nation leading to.....
The original purpose of the Civil War was not ending slavery but that Lincoln believed he had to...
Preserve the Union
Land deal between the United States and France, in which the U.S. acquired the land between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mtns. effectively doubling the size of the US over night
Including the year
Louisiana Purchase 1803
The last land acquisition of the US to complete Manifest destiny was made to make the transcontinental railroad easier to use in the southern parts of Arizona and New Mexico called.....
The Gadsden Purchase
Women's Rights Reformers like Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized what convention where they wrote the Declaration of Sentiment.
Seneca Falls Convention
Missouri= Slave State
Maine= Free State
Stated that no slaver was allowed north of the 36-30 line in the Louisiana Territory except for Missouri
Missouri Compromise of 1820
The attack on what fort marked the beginning of the Civil War
Fort Sumter
The Adams Onis treaty gave the US the area of Florida but from what country in what year
People that opposed slavery were called....
Dorthea Dix is known for her help with what Reform Movement
Care for Disabled and Prison Reform
California= Free State
Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act letting southern slave owners hunt down slaves who escaped to the North
Compromise of 1850
1. marking the bloodiest single day battle, 12k Union dead and 13K Confederate dead
2. Union obtained control of the Mississippi River splitting the south in half and cutting off southern access to to the river
3. a key victory for the Union that finally changed the momentum of the war against the Confederate
1. Battle of Antietam
2. Battle of Vicksburg
3. Battle of Gettysburg
the practice of abstaining from alcohol.
Who led the education reform with establishing laws about school attendance, keeping public schools well kept and training teachers
Horace Mann
In the Kansas Nebraska Act congress allowed settlers om the territories to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery, what principle of government was this depicting
Popular Sovereignty
Abraham Lincoln issued this in 1863. This executive order declared all slaves in rebelling states to be free
the Emancipation Proclamation
Before the US was given the land south of the 49th parallel in 1846, The United States had a joint ownership of the Oregon territory with what country?
Bonus points if you can name the slogan Manifest destiny activist came up with over the Oregon territory
54-40 or Fight
Women's Rights reformers focused a great deal on obtaining women the right to.....
Harriet Tubman was an escaped slave who is considered the conductor of the Underground Rail road, what other escape slave was an abolitionist
*Hint- they wrote an anti-slavery newspaper called the North Star*
Fredrick Douglas
During Lincolns election he stated he was not going to put an end to slavery but he was not going to let it expand any further, many southerners did not believe him so after Lincoln was elected many southern states......
What is the name of the event where General Lee (Confederate) surrendered to General Grant (Union)?
Appomattox Court