The department with the most number of DuE course sections
Computer Information Systems
How do students sign up for DuE?
through the course selection process at their HS sites
The cost of participation in Dual Enrollment
Faculty members who serve as contacts for DuE in their respective schools.
DuE leads or liaisons
FTES has increased by this percent since starting in 2017
Number of CTE pathways with DuE
Who covers the cost of books in DuE?
The HS district sites
True or False, Dual Enrollment students are COD students.
Connecting with your colleagues at the HS sites can lead to _________________.
Increased program enrollments and degree completions
Number of DuE Sections each academic school year (Fall and Spring)
more than 100
The General Education sequence COD recommends for HS students in DuE
Maximum number of units a DuE student can enroll per term.
15 for DuE and 11 for CoE
Difference between Dual and Concurrent Enrollment at COD.
Dual is COD courses embedded in the school day and Concurrent is our COD courses being taken by HS students outside of the school day.
Access to DuE courses on the HS sites is an important __________ issue.
The HS site that graduated our very first AA recipient at the same time as their HS graduation.
Palm Desert High School
at least two courses in the same pathway leading to a particular goal
GPA recommended for participation in DuE
Are embedded instructors teaching DuE at the HS sites COD instructors?
YES, all instructors teaching any DuE courses meet the state minimum qualifications for the discipline and have been vetted through the Adjunct Instructor process.
DuE can be an important aspect to the college's ___________.
Average number of units that DuE students complete in their local programs.
more than 12
Number of HS sites currently offering DuE courses.
Who authorizes participation in DuE?
Services available to DuE students at COD
Both HS instructors and COD instructors can ______________.
teach DuE courses
The matriculation rate of DuE students who come to COD