Body and Substances
Healthy Relationships
Name That Drug
Approaches to Recovery
Historical People with Mental Health Issues

This is a biological response when the human body receives too much of a substance or mix of substances.

What is an overdose


This term refers to the healthy ability to understand the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of another.

What is Empathy or Empathizing 


The oldest known intoxicating substance used specifically for recreational purposes (even dating back to biblical times)

What is Alcohol 


Underwear provides this, and having positive people in your life can also offer this.

What is Support


Perhaps the most well-known composer in history, this famous music writer supposedly suffered from bipolar disorder in addition to going deaf.

Who is Ludwig Van Beethoven


Alcohol reduces this stage of sleep, the stage of sleep where dreams occur.

What is REM (rapid eye movement) sleep


To maintain healthy relationships, we should identify and communicate these physical, psychological, and emotional limits to protect ourselves from being used, manipulated, or violated by others.

What are Boundaries


Class of drugs used medicinally for thousands of years to relieve physical pain but nowadays often abused.

What are Opiates or Opioids


Some people in recovery need help with past difficult life events, distressing experiences, and negative memories, often referred to as____.

What is Trauma 


One of the original writers of the “horror” genre, this legendary author from the 1800s suffered from grief and depression.

Who is Edgar Allen Poe


When this neurotransmitter is released from the limbic system, it associates a positive experience with drug use.

What is dopamine


This is the two-word term for the cooperative process of effectively resolving disputes and settling interpersonal arguments and fights in a positive manner that both sides can agree upon.

What is Conflict Resolution


This is the most sought-after commodity in the world and is consumed by 90% of Adults in North America.

What is Caffeine 


This evidence-based approach to maintaining recovery from addiction involves identifying triggers and warning signs and then developing specific coping strategies to avoid a return to negative behaviors.

What is Relapse Prevention 


This legendary Dutch painter, known for "Starry Night," grappled with mental health issues, even to the point where he knowingly cut off part of his own ear.

Who is Vincent Van Gogh


Long-term alcohol use can have the following effects on this system in your body, which controls balance and coordination, memory, sleep, nerves, and behaviors.

What is the Nervous System


This two-word term describes when you carefully hear and focus on what another person is saying and then repeat back what you heard to confirm that you understood them.

What is Active Listening or Reflective Listening


The vast majority of people who use this legal plant use it as often as 10 or 20 times a day. 

What is Tobacco 


This skills-based form of treatment used in substance use and mental health recovery focuses on identifying and changing thinking patterns to help change feelings and negative behaviors.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT


One of the most well-known artists to ever live, this Italian genius is thought to have an anxiety disorder and possibly even autism, but that did not stop him from completing his four-year masterpiece of painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Who is Michelangelo


Heart disease, lung disease, cancer, mental illness, HIV/AIDS, and hepatitis caused by drug use are referred to as this type of health effect…

What are long-term health effects or chronic illnesses


This refers to a close and profound emotional, psychological, and physical connection between individuals that involves a deep level of trust, respect, vulnerability, and mutual understanding.

What is Intimacy 


Stimulants such as cocaine, speed, and methamphetamine, when taken for long periods can induce a mental state of hallucinations and extreme paranoid delusions called:

What is Psychosis (Or stimulant-induced psychosis)


This is the practice of regularly taking time to focus on your own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

What is Self-care 


Serbian American inventor and engineer who pioneered the generation, transmission, and use of alternating current (AC) electricity also possessed a slew of near-debilitating obsessions and compulsions.  

Who is Nikola Tesla
