On the Projects page - Wedding, Engagement, and Anniversary are great examples of these...
These two elements can be used to map client/project information...
(1) Short Answer (2) Date Select
The five form types in Dubsado are...
Contracts, Sub-Agreements, Questionnaires, Proposals & Lead Capture Forms
The three emails that can be added to a scheduler template are...
(1) Invitation (2) Confirmation (3) Reminder (Notification)
Send Email, Send Form, and Send Appointment Scheduler are examples of these...
Workflow Actions
A client has 2 active projects, and 1 archived project, so the client has this many client portals...
(1) Email it to yourself (2) Use an Incognito/private window
This is how you could keep a client's proposed project date off of the calendar...
(1) Map the answer to 'None' (2) Use a custom mapped field
The three appointment triggers we offer in workflows are...
(1) after an appointment is scheduled (2) before an appointment start time (3) after an appointment has ended
This workflow action is designed to watch for multiple conditions to be met...
"Hold Actions Until"
Light red calendar events represent this...
Tasks w/ Due Dates
There are this many relative due date, payment plan options...
The main difference between editing a form that's in a workflow and a canned email that's in a workflow is...
A form will auto-update in the workflow, but a canned email will not.
The three options for "when an appointment can be scheduled?" are...
(1) Rolling day window (2) Fixed date range (3) Indefinitely
You want to send your client a consultation invitation, a confirmation email, two appointment reminders, and a follow up after the consultation. You need this many workflow steps...
The three places you can archive a project are...
(1) inside the project (2) from the Projects page (3) a workflow action
A user embedded a Scheduler + Lead Capture Form on their website, the first action in the workflow is set to fire "after an appointment is scheduled". The issue here is...
Appointment triggers can only watch schedulers sent within the workflow.
These two templates allow you to re-direct the client to a separate website upon completion...
(1) Lead Capture (2) Scheduler
The main difference between sending a form twice in the workflow and an appointment scheduler twice in the workflow is...
The workflow sends a new scheduler template, and the workflow will send the same form template.
A client has attached a workflow to their Lead Capture, and has "after form is completed" as their first trigger in the workflow. This will be why they have an issue...
These four things need to be removed from a project in order to delete it...
(1) Contract (2) Sub-agreement (3) Payments (4) Invoices
A client says, "I want to be able to see how many people heard about me through Facebook." I need to do these two things to make that happen...
Create a Project Source under "Reporting", and add a Project Tracking element to a form.
You sent a client a proposal with an expiration date, and the date has already passed. These 2 things will happen if they click on the link...
(1) A red expiration banner will appear (2) will not be able to submit the form
"I can see the client's appointment on my calendar, but it's not in their project." This is why that's happening...
This combination of smart field links (contract, scheduler, form, invoice, portal) could be successfully sent in one single workflow action.
(1) Form, Contract, Invoice, Portal (2) Scheduler, Contract, Invoice, Portal