What the Sigma?
If you groaned or had a negative reaction, you gain 100
You can evolve Grass Type Pokemon the turn they are played
Forest of Giant Leafs
Yes, This is SUPER broken
jeb_ or DinnerBone
What are the dragon's called in destiny?
Wish Dragons
To increase in rarity with a new release
Bump/Rarity Bump
Trickstar Lycoris
For the rest of this game, your Pokémon's attacks do 30 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance). If this Pokémon has at least 1 extra Energy attached to it (in addition to this attack's cost), when your opponent's Active Pokémon is Knocked Out by damage from those attacks, take 1 more Prize card.
Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX
Nope, Thanks Covid
What's the fastest current mode of travel?
Ice Path with a Boat in the Nether
Who was lost in time longer?
Eris Morun
Eric Osborne
Saint-14 He was lost 1000s of years (as far as we know)
Something that is ran in most decks
Branded Fusion, Response?
Both Players Shuffle their hand into their decks and draw 4
Red Card, not in standard
Name 2 or more mods that was officially added to vanilla
Pistons, Ender Chests, Most Mobs, Armor Stands, and Slime Blocks, etc.
What was the Hive called before they were corrupted?
A very easy to play and linear deck, often were stun decks
Highest Roll Wins
This Energy is worth 2 Colorless Energy
Double Energy
Yes, Mewtwo EX used it to extreme and was also banned
When was Herobrine last removed?
1.20 Release
What is Gjallerhorn is made from?
Fallen Iron Lords
Wolf Souls
Fallen Guardians from Twilight Gap
Dead Ghosts
Fallen Guardians from Twilight Gap
To resolve without an effect
(Bonus points if Ref is here and cringes)
If you picked this first +1000
If last +200
Anything Else +499
Prevent all effects of attacks, excluding damage, done to Wormadam Sandy Cloak.
Wormadam (Secret Wonders 42)
Yes, This card couldn't attack, It was legit broken
Since when could you ride mobs through portals?
In the most recent snapshot you can now, 13 years and they FINALLY fixed the bug
Who is married to Shax? (In Cannon)
Main Character
Mara Sov
Master Rahul
The Main Character, there was a bow giving out during the Crimson Day's event where in the lore it legit says who hold this bow, holds Shax's hand
An monster effect that if it is attacked or attacks, effects can not be activated until the end of Damage Step