Main character 🪙💵
Scrooge mcduck
Curse me kilts! One false move, and I'm a roast duck!
Scrooge mcduck
Three tripleits
Huey Louie Dewey
Leave me, Unca Scrooge! It's not worth it!
Trapped on space for a decade
Della duck
You haven't stumbled across a pizza joint down there, have ya, Mr McDee? I'm getting kinda hungry up here...
Launchpad mcquack
Robot hero has a catchy catch fraze
Gizmo duck (call me gizmo duckkkkkkkk
Blast these inferior mirror and beam spells! Is last time I shop for spell ingredients at discount store!
Magica de spell
Magic girl my favorite character friends with webby
Let’s get magical
None I made it up