The objective of this game is to hit your opponents off the stage to score a k.o.
What is super smash bros?
This meme shows spongebob standing up from his chair
What is ight Imma head out?
This cartoon is aired on Nick. It's about a boy with so called godparents that can grant him wishes
What is Fairy odd parents?
This school is lokey dumb af.
What is HSHM?
This anime is well known and follows the adventures of "Kakarot"
What is Dragon ball z?
This genre ultilizes a turn based system, using attacks and spells. "Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem" are examples of these.
What is an RPG?
This YouTuber originated the "iight girl ill see you tomorrow"
Who is TwoMad?
This cartoon originated on cartoon network. It was about a young chefs crazy adventures as he learns to cook
What is chowder?
No-one likes her.
Who is Arianna?
This anime is about a monster which was later turned into a 3 part movie series
What is shrek?
This character comes from a game from Square Enix. Sports a key as his weapon.
Who is Sora?
This meme has cat. And table
What is cat at dinner table?
This cartoon was about a team of four kids using math to save the galaxy.
What is cyberchase?
This happens with mainly freshman almost every other week
What is a fight?
This anime follows three kids attempting to escape from their so called home
What is the promised neverland?
This game was one of the largest back in 2007
What is Halo 3?
This meme started in 2019 calling someone over 50 this phrase
What is ok boomer?
This show follows the adventures of trains.
What is Chuggington?
This teacher gives you a lot of work
Who is Ms. Kandel
This anime is about a kid that fights daemons
What is demon slayer?
This game released back in 2016, with the protagonist leading a team of "phantom thieves"
What is Persona 5?
This meme came from E3 2019
What is "you're breathtaking"
This show follows a young boy learning of his mother's powers to use as his own.
What is Steven Universe?
This teacher is generally considered a certain cartoon character
Who is Mr. Mchale
This anime follows two boys and an elf trying to restore peace within their region
What is the Dragon Prince?