What are Dunni's favorite colors?
(Hint: 2 colors)
Red & Yellow
Who did Dunni do Bible study with when she came into cornerstone?
(Hint: 2 people)
Michelle & Audra
Dunni Is a/an:
1. Introvert
2. Extrovert
3. Mix of the 2
What is Dunni's favorite Nigerian food?
Jollof Rice
How long has Dunni been a BSL for?
1 year
What is the name of the song that was sang about Dunni?
1. Dunni loves dogs
2. Dunni loves cats
3. Dunni hates animals
Dunni loves dogs
What is Dunni's favorite TV show?
Parks & Recreation
When did Dunni get to USF?
(Month & year)
August 2015
How many limbs has Dunni broken/dislocated?
1. Dunni has 2 older sisters
2. Dunni has an older brother and an older sister
3. Dunni has 2 an older sister and a younger brother
Dunni has an older brother and an older sister
Oladunni Adunola Osamagbe Adepitan
1. Dunni likes sports
2. Dunni likes to paint
3. Dunni to sing
Dunni likes to paint
What is Dunni's favorite Bible verse?
Jeremiah 29:11
What body part has Dunni broken?
1. Leg
2. Hand
3. Nose