The highest total damage from a 1st Level Fighter with a +2 Strength modifier attacking a zombie once with a +1 club.
What is 7 damage?
The number of beams an Eldritch Blast spell has if cast by a 20th-level warlock.
What is 4?
Fighting Spirit
What is Samurai?
Preserve Life
What is Life Domain?
The highest possible damage from a 6th Level Evocation Wizard with an Intelligence modifier of +2 casting the spell Fire Bolt at a goblin.
What is 22 damage?
The maximum number of temporary hit points granted to all possible targets by the spell Aid when cast at 3rd level.
What is 0?
Death Strike
What is Assassin?
The most common damage vulnerability in official Dungeons and Dragons content.
What is Fire Damage?
Guided Strike
What are War Domain and Oath of Conquest?
The highest possible damage of a 17th Level Drunken Master Monk with a +5 Dexterity modifier using all their attacks, flurry of blows, and their Intoxicated Frenzy feature against three guards within 5 feet of them.
What is 105 damage?
Two cantrips that deal fire damage.
Sudden Strike
What is Scout?
What is Monstrosity?
Abjure the Extraplanar
What is Oath of the Watchers?
The highest possible damage from a 9th Level Raging Half-Orc Berserker Barbarian making a single critical strike with a greataxe against a Tarrasque.
What is 0 damage?
The only 9th-Level spell from the Divination school of magic.
What is Foresight?
Nature's Ward
What is Circle of the Land
The most common damage resistance in all official Dungeons and Dragons content.
What is Cold damage?
Read Thoughts
What is Knowledge Domain?
The highest possible damage dealt by a 17th Level Assassin Rogue with a +5 Dexterity modifier using a rapier against a goblin that hasn't taken their turn yet and failed their Constitution saving throw.
What is 253 damage?
The only level of spell slots with no spells that can be cast as a bonus action.
What is 8th-Level?
Restorative Reagents
What is Alchemist?
The three major types of dragon classification, as of November 2021.
What are Chromatic, Gem, and Metallic?
Turn the Faithless
What is Oath of the Ancients?