Monster Manual
Monster Manual 2.0
Locations & Planes
Magic Items
Classes & Class Features
Official Adventure Books

This creature can be chromatic or metallic, and it can fly, has incredible perception, and a powerful breath weapon.

What is a dragon?


This monster of the night has a wicked bite, a powerful charm, and the ability to escape as a misty cloud or even as a bat!

What is a Vampire?


This dark mirror of the material plane has been made famous by Stranger Things, although it is called the Upside Down in this show.

What is the Shadowfell?


This 3rd level spell deals 8d6 fire damage.

What is a fireball?


This compact and light bag has tremendous space on the inside, able to hold thousands of pounds of items.

What is a bag of holding?


This class has the highest hit-die, and is known for using anger to fuel its power.

What is a Barbarian?


This Adventure brings you to the Island of Chult to figure out the 'Death Curse'.

What is 'Tomb of Annihilation'?


This monster is famous for disguising itself as a simple treasure chest, but it has a nasty bite.

What is a mimic?


Tread carefully in the dark dungeons, this monster is nearly invisible when it is not moving, but its acidic flesh will kill you quickly if it engulfs you!

What is a gelatinous cube?


These are the four main elemental planes.

What are the elemental planes of fire, water, earth, and air?


This spell creates a powerful hand capable of Grasping, Interposing, or just hitting someone hard.

What is Bigby's Hand?


This item enables up to 2 medium creatures to fly upon it, up to 50ft per round.

What is a broom of flying?


This class feature allows this class to gain half-proficiency in every skill they are not proficient in.

What is Jack of All Trades (Bard)?

Considered top 3 adventure models by most rankings, this adventure brings you to Ravenloft to fight one of the most famous vampires of all time.

What is 'Curse of Strahd'?


Careful, this one-eyed floating creature has an incredible intellect, and shoots powerful rays that each have a random effect.

What is a Beholder?


This two-headed demon lord has fire breath, cold breath, and a terrifying gaze that can beguile you, make you insane, or make you insane!

(Hint available upon request)

What is the Demogorgan?


This famous city is the starting city for the Descent into Avernus, and also has had several video game's made with the same name. It is the largest metropolis and city-state on the Sword Coast.

What is Baldur's Gate?

This druidic spell makes long-distance travelling as easy as stepping through a tree.

What is transport via plants?


This healing potion heals 8d4 + 8 points. 

What is a Superior Healing Potion

These three classes have the capability of evasion, avoiding all damage on a successful dexterity save. 

What are Monk, Ranger, & Rogue?


This Starting Adventure module is consistently rated top 3 adventure modules, despite being one of the shortest ones released for 5e.

What is Lost Mines of Phandelver?


Considered one of the most powerful liches of all time, this one has a habit of creating deadly dungeons to lure and kill adventurers in. 

Who is Acererak?


This type of hag used to be fey, but their foulness was too much even for hags, and they were banished to Hades where they slowly became fiends. They are now the only hag not considered fey.

What is a night hag?


This transmutation spell turns a willing creature into a mist.

What is Gaseous Form?


This item increases your constitution by 2, gives you resistance to poison, and you may even grow a beard!

What is the belt of dwarvenkind?


This class gains 'timeless body', slowing their aging to 1 year for every 10 years.

What is the Druid?


This adventure module is held deep underground beneath Waterdeep.

What is 'Dungeon of the Mad Mage'?


This Aberration is the composite eyes, mouths, and liquefied matter of its former victims. It's maddening whispers can cause you be stunned, walk in a random direction, or even attack a teammate.

What is a Gibbering Mouther?


This monstrosity has three heads, that of a lion, a dragon, and a goat.

What is a Chimera?


This 3rd level transmutation spell is a popular one, lasting for 10 minutes and having a range of touch. It has verbal, somatic, and material components (a wing feather from any bird).

What is fly?

This powerful cloak makes it harder to hit you, giving disadvantage on attack rolls against you until you are hit for the first time in a round.

What is the cloak of displacement?


This cleric subclass can use a reaction when a creature it can see suffers a critical hit to turn that hit into a normal hit

What is the Grave Domain (Sentinel at Death’s Door)?


This adventure module is actually an anthology of 7 adventures, all of which have you learning about the adventure quest in a famous tavern within Waterdeep. 

What is 'Tales From The Yawning Portal'?


This is the order of the Giant Hierarchy (from least to most powerful).

What is Hill Giant, Stone Giant, Frost Giant, Fire Giant, Cloud Giant, and Storm Giant?


This monstrosity is native to the Astral Sea. Careful if you are ever astral projecting there, as it can sever the silver chord tethering your soul to your body, trapping you on the plane forever!

What is an Astral Dreadnaught?


These are the four para-elemental planes (demi-planes between two elemental planes)

What are the elemental planes of ice, magma, ooze, and ash(smoke). 


These are the names of at least 5 spells that use a reaction rather than an action/bonus action.

What are: Absorb Elements, Counterspell, Feather Fall, Hellish Rebuke, Shield, Silvery Barbs, Soul Cage, and Temporal Shunt 


This legendary sword has a chance of decapitating a creature every time it hits.

What is a Vorpal Sword?


This Way of Open Hand Monk feature enables it to hit a creature and leave vibrations within it. When you end the vibrations, it either dies on a failed CON save, or takes 10d10 damage on a successful CON save.

What is 'Quivering Palm'?


This module is an anthology of adventures that each begin with a book found in a famous library.

What is 'Candlekeep Mysteries'?


These are the four types of Genies (one for each elemental plane) 

What are the Efreeti (fire), Dao (earth), Djinn (air), and Marid (water)?


This is the order of the grung's color hierarchy

What is Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Orange, Gold?


These are the names of the outer planes (name at least 6).


These are at least 7 of the random effects on the Wild Magic Surge table for Wild Magic Sorcerers. 


These are the names of at least 12 officially released D&D Adventure Modules

-Lost Mines of Phandelver

- Tyranny of Dragons- Hoard of the Dragon Queen

- Tyranny of Dragons- Rise of Tiamat

- Princes of the Apocalypse

- Out of the Abyss

- Curse of Strahd

- Tomb of Annihilation

- Storm King's Thunder

- Tales of the Yawning Portal

- Waterdeep Dragon Heist

- Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

- Ghosts of Saltmarsh

- Dragons of Icespire Peak

- Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

- Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

- Candlekeep Mysteries

- The Wild Beyond the Witchlight

- Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

- Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep

- Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel
