Focus Cat Vax 3
Focus Cat Vax 3 + FeLV
Vaccine Storage
Vaccine Fun Facts
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How many antigens are present in Focus Cat Vax 3?

3 antigens


What is the added antigen in Focus Cat Vax 3 + FeLV?

FeLV - Feline Leukemia Virus 


Where should your dealers store their Spectra and Focus vaccines?

In the refrigerator. 


Tell me 3 ways you can help your dealer advertise their Canine Spectra and Feline Focus vaccines. 

Health Records, POP Kits,

What is the single largest, most profitable product category at Durvet?

Small animal vaccines - Canine Spectra and Feline Focus. 

What are the 3 antigens in Focus Cat Vax 3?

Rhinotracheitis (feline herpesvirus)

Calicivirus (respiratory infection)

Panleukopenia (feline distemper)


Is Feline Leukemia preventable or treatable?

It is only preventable, it cannot be treated/cured once a cat contracts it. You can only manage symptoms for the remainder of the cat's life. 


What happens if the vaccines freeze?

They have to be thrown out as freezing has the potential to cause adverse reactions.  


How much do Health Records and/or POP Kits from Durvet cost the dealer?

Nothing, they are free to the distributor and to the dealer.


What should you advise the dealer to do if one of their customers reports an adverse reaction to a vaccine?

Call Durvet's 1-800 number and report it to tech services immediately. 


How is Focus Cat Vax 3 administered?

Under the skin, subcutaneously.


Which cats should you recommend receive Focus Cat Vax 3 + FeLV vs Focus Cat Vax 3?

All cats can/should receive Focus Cat Vax 3 + FeLV, primarily outside or inside/outside cats. 


How long after mixing the vaccine does a pet parent need to administer it to their pet?

Our recommendation is to give the vaccine within 10 minutes after mixing it. 

At what age and after a minimum of how many vaccination boosters are puppies fully protected against Parvo?

16 weeks of age and at least 3 rounds of vaccinations. 


Is it safe for small dogs to be vaccinated with the "big" Canine Spectra 9, 10 and/or 10+Lyme vaccines?

Yes, the primary addition to those vaccines is Lepto.  dogs of any size can contract Lepto.  By 9 weeks of age their immune systems are developed enough to utilize the antigens. 


What age do you start giving Focus Cat Vax 3?

8 weeks of age


How do cats contract FeLV?

Close contact with other infected cats from saliva, bites, sharing food dishes or litter boxes. 


What should a store do if their electricity goes out and their vaccines are warm to the touch when they find them?

Do not sell them, throw them out. 


Can the strain of Parvo in Canine Spectra vaccines cause Parvo in dogs?

No it does not, if a dog gets sick after getting vaccinated they likely were already infected with parvo or have another type of infection. 


What is the Durvet return policy on Canine Spectra and Feline Focus vaccines?

100% returnable within 60 days post expiration. 


How often should you booster Focus Cat Vax 3?

Revaccinate every 4 weeks again at 12 and 16 weeks of age.  Annual booster after that. 


Is FeLV and FIV in cats the same thing?


FeLV = Feline Leukemia

FIV = Feline Immunodeficiency Virus


When sending vaccines home with a pet parent, should the cashier provide an ice pack?

It is recommended unless the pet parent is going straight home and it is a very short distance.  They should not be allowed to sit in the vehicle through multiple stops without an ice pack.  It is also recommended to wrap the vaccine in a plastic bag and not lay it directly on the ice pack as it can flash freeze the diluent. 


With the exception of Canine Spectra KC3 how are all vaccines administered?

Under the skin subcutaneously. KC3 is given intranasally. 


As a service to your dealers how can you help ensure that they are not letting vaccines expire?

Checking the refrigerator at least monthly, rotating stock and pulling Spectra and/or Focus vaccines that are close to expiring.  Durvet must have them back 60 days post expiration. 
