This is DUT3's last day of operations
This person is the T1 associate with the most Amazon Tenure
Aaron M.
This is how many total DSPs DUT3 has
DUT3, obviously.
This is the day everyone's offer letters go into effect for your new sites. (please work your DUT3 schedule until April 1st though)
March 30th, 2025
This OM Graduated from Penn State
Jordan H.
This DSP Dispatches 1st
This site is opening when DUT3 closes
This was DUT3's launch date
June 30th, 2020
This AM was DUT3's first bilingual AM for the NES program
Dalia W.
This DSP is the newest to DUT3
This is DUT3's site logo
This is the Month and Year DUT3 launched the NES program
November 2022
Name an AM that has been with DUT3 since launch
Cristen G, Hector C, Katelyn W,
This DSP delivered the most volume in 2024, with over 2.7 million packages delivered
DUT3 was the ___ Delivery Station in Utah
This is the Month + Year Brad O. came to DUT3 to take over as the Site Lead
September 2021
This person was DUT3's first site lead.
Nolan K.
These DSPs originally started at DUT1
As of 3/16, this is how many packages DUT3 has delivered to customers