The number of daily prayers required for every practicing Muslim.
What is 5?
What are the two most important duties of Muslims?
What is doing good deeds for our parents, and worshipping Allah (S.W.T)?
The Arabic term for the purification performed before Salah.
What is Wudu?
Name the correlations between patience and parents in Islam, as discussed in the Quran.
Not to lose patience, Not show disrespect, and speak kindly to your parents.
This Arabic word refers to the call to prayer, which is recited before each Salah.
Name one reason the Quran emphasize honouring our parents.
1) The unconditional love and care parents give their children
2) How children tend to drift as they grow older.
List at least three physical preparations before Salah.
What is Physical cleanliness, Clean clothes, Clean place, Direction to face (Kaaba), Timing, and Mental Preparation?
How should we treat our parents if they are non-Muslims or make us do actions against Islam?
Treating them with kindness and respect, but not obeying them if they go against Islam.
This is the Arabic word for prostration in Salah
What is Sujud?
What does the word "ihsan" mean when speaking of parents in Islam?
Doing what is right, good, and beautiful, showing obedience and kindness to our parents.
This phrase is recited while Ruku' in Salah.
What is Subhana Rabbiyal Adheem?
Why should we be especially grateful to our mothers?
Because they endure great pain and hardship during pregnancy, childbirth, and raising us
This extra night prayer is highly recommended and often prayed during Ramadan.
What is Taraweeh?
What did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) say about the status of mothers in Islam?
The mother deserves the best companionship three times before mentioning the father.
This part of Salah includes the declaration of faith and belief in Allah and His Messenger.
What is Tashahhud or at-Tahiyyat?
What is the reward Allah promises to those who fulfill their duties towards their parents?
Immense blessings, including the potential for entry into Jannah
This is the name of the shortened prayer Muslims perform while travelling.
What is Salat al-Qasr?
Why is expressing minor disrespect, like saying 'uff', towards one's parents looked down upon in Islam?
It signifies ingratitude and dishonour towards parents.
This is the MAXIMUM number of Rak’ahs in the Isha prayer, including Fard, Sunnah, and Witr. Also, list how many Rak’ahs are in each category.
What is 13?
Fard: 4 Rak'ahs
Sunnah: 6 Rak'ahs (4 before Fard, 2 after Fard)
Witr: 3 Rak'ahs (usually prayed after Isha)
What is the significance of the hadith about a man, who is advised to maintain ties with relatives who mistreated him?
As a means of earning Allah (S.W.T)'s support