DV affects on kids
coping skills
In previous weeks
Responsible parenting
Wild card

the system we spent time looking deeper into last week.

what is the limbic system

This is how to do the smell the rose/blow out the candle technique

what is Taking a four count breath in through the nose and holding it for a second before blowing the breath out the mouth quickly?


this response to trauma is often seen in those who grew up abused because they don't know what else to do.

What is fawn or freeze response?


the amount of parenting styles that need be to aware of and understood to be the best parent you can be

what is 4 styles?


the day of the month orientation is held

what is the first Tuesday of the month?


the part of the brain that stores memories

what is the hippocampus


when the moment gets to heated and the conversation is not going anywhere, it is best to do this.

What is walk away or take a break before coming back and resuming communication?


these stages create the cycle of violence

What is tension, incident, reconciliation, and calm?


Setting these helps a child understand better of where they stand in parent/child relationships as well as reduces conflicts because everyone knows the rules

what is healthy boundaries?

When should you call facilitator when your not going to make class.

what is as soon as you know you will not make it but any time if that is not possible before group begins?


the system that relays emotions to the brain

what is the amygdala 


a person you can turn to at times that can help a relationship thrive.

Who is a therapist, family, different couple, friend, etc.?


These are the critical components of a negotiation.

What is the goal (desired outcome), what are you not willing to bend on (the non negotiables), and how important the relationship is to maintain?


we see higher and better outcomes in children in these three areas of personal development when a positive father figure is involved 

what is the social, emotional and cognitive aspects of life? 


the amount of rooms this group has been held at this time

what is 3?


the three things children seek often

what is care, love and safety?


this list includes alcohol, drug usage, punching the wall or unsafe driving

what is maladaptive coping skills?


behaviors are seen as this especially for children but for anyone who are exhibiting them.

what is communication?


these two parenting styles are not the best or are frowned upon by many as it does not have any positive effects on children

what is permissive, uninvolved or neglectful parenting?


Making sure you are being a good role model is a great sign you are succeeding in this area of life.

what is responsible parenting?


the act that Causes the child to pick sides, not know who to trust, question everything they believe is true, make them wonder if their other parents can be trusted etc…

Parental alienation


This list is some of the things that you can do instead of going to previous behaviors like screaming or punching something

What is coping skills including listening to music, working out, going for a walk, agree to disagree, journaling, therapy, spending time with others, spending time reflecting on self etc...


These are a reflection of your principles, rules, and guidelines that you have set for yourself.

What are healthy boundaries?


Clear boundaries that are enforced

Explain to child why boundaries are there

Encourage child to have own point of view

Often use reward over punishment

What is authoritative parenting?


The main reason i would suddenly be unable to teach class without warning

what is something to do with the baby?
