Coercion & Threats
Definitions of Abuse
Wild Card
Non-Violence & Trust & Support
Economic Partnership

True or False: Stress IS a fear response.

what is True?


What is a form of abuse when one intimate partner has control over the other partner's access to economic resources?

Which definition is this?

what is economic abuse?


HOW MANY calories does your brain burn each day?

what is between 400-500 calories?


The first thing to understand when trying to de-escalate a situation.

what is the degree and level of the person's emotion?


Definition of Economic Partnership.

what is that you and your partner have an understanding of your financial situation and have a plan to address the household budget, including debt.


What is this term?

Persuasion by use of threats or force.

what is coercion?


Any behavior intended to control, manipulate, threaten, or belittle another person.

Which definition is this?

what is emotional abuse?


How do giraffes communicate with each other?

what is by humming?


Blank system is someone or some place to go when you are having a rough day, need to vent, and/or need a safe, non-judgmental place to visit.

what is Support?


One study showed that partners are HOW MANY TIMES more likely to break up if they think their partner is bad with finances.

what is 10 times?


What is this term?

A promise of future violence, injury, harm, and/or embarrassment.

what is threat?


Any intentional act causing injury or trauma to another person or animal by way of bodily contact is what type of abuse?

Which definition is this?

what is physical abuse?


What was the first animal to be cloned?

what is a sheep?


Definition of Trust?

what is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something?


Why is Economic Partnership important?

what is it (1) Creates equality in the relationship; (2) Strengthens the relationship; & (3) Creates a plan for the future?


If the harm to be done is direct and immediate, it is BLANK, but if the harm is to be inflicted later, it is BLANK.

1st Blank- coercion

2nd Blank- threats


A manipulation technique where a perpetrator uses psychological methods to have their partner questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning.

Which definition is this?

what is gaslighting?


On average, nearly HOW MANY people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States.

what is 20?


Blank can affect our Trust?

what is Trauma?


What are 6 steps discussed that help when talking about money with your partner?

what is (1) Values; (2) Transparency; (3) Expectations; (4) Goals; (5) Make a Plan; & (6) Meet weekly/monthly?


BLANK is a demand stating, "I am going to..." whereas BLANK involves "or else."

1st Blank- threats

2nd Blank- coercion


A control tactic to help the abuser feel in control of their victim.

Which definition is this?

what is isolation?


When you refuse to admit, believe, or concede that something has happened or is happening...

is called what?

what is Denying?


What are the 4 steps in de-escalating within relationships.

what is Observing instead of evaluating, Stating your feelings, Expressing your needs, and then Making a request?


What are 5 tips for when you and your partner are discussing money?

what is (1) Be open and honest; (2) Be nonjudgmental; (3) Take emotions out of the discussion; (4) Agree to disagree on some things; & (5) Remember you are a team?
