Negotiation & Fairness
Economic Abuse & Partnership
Wild Card
DV Regarding Parents & Children
Coercion & Threats

Definition of Negotiation.

what is the discussion aimed at reaching an agreement?


BLANK is one of the top reasons women return to abusive partners.

what is financial insecurity?


What is a rainbow on Venus called?

what is 'a glory?'


True or False: Children are NOT impacted by domestic violence if they see/hear it?

what is False?


True or False: Stress IS a fear response.

what is True?


Definition of Fairness.

what is the impartial and just treatment or behavior without favoritism or discrimination?


Economic Partnership means...

...that you and your partner have an understanding of your financial situation and have a plan to address the household budget, including debt.


True or False: No number before 1,000 contains the letter A.

what is True?


What are the 4 types of parenting styles discussed?

what is Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved/Neglectful?


Which part of the brain houses the fear/trauma responses and instincts to try to protect ourselves from stress?

what is the Reptilian?


What are the 3 critical components of a negotiation?

what is (1) Your desired outcomes (Win state); (2) Your non-negotiables; & (3) Importance in maintaining the relationship?


What does economic abuse look like?

what is (1) Controlling or spending your money; (2) Ruining your credit history; (3) Feeling entitled to your money or assets; (4) Interfering with your finances?


What are the four trauma responses.

what is fight, flight, freeze, & fawn?


Which brain system is most impacted by children witnessing DV?

what is the Limbic system?


Which Wheel is this topic found on?

what is the Power and Control Wheel?


What are 2 important aspects of communication?

what is active listening & "I" statements?


What does economic abuse look like?

what is (1) Controlling or spending your money; (2) Ruining your credit history; (3) Feeling entitled to your money or assets; (4) Interfering with your finances?


To make something appear smaller than what it actually is...

is called what?

what is minimizing?


What are 3 ways that emotional abuse affects children?

what are Behavioral changes, Emotional development, & Maladaptive coping?


What is this term?

Persuasion by use of threats or force.

what is coercion?


What are healthy and unhealthy boundaries that were discussed?

Healthy (8): Not compromising values for someone else; Saying “no” and accepting when others say “no”; Knowing who you are and what you want (communicating that to others); Appropriate sharing; Not letting others define you/your self-worth; Your needs and feelings are just as important as those of others; You have the right to your emotions and feelings; Respecting others’ values, beliefs, and opinions, while knowing that you do not have to compromise your own.

Unhealthy (6): Disrespecting the values, beliefs, and opinions of others; Not saying “no” or not accepting when others say “no”; Feeling like you are responsible for other people’s feelings and/or happiness; Feeling like you are responsible for “fixing” or “saving” others; Touching people without their permission; Engaging in sexual activity without clear consent from the other person.


Why is Economic Partnership important?

what is it (1) Creates equality in the relationship; (2) Strengthens the relationship; & (3) Creates a plan for the future?


The first thing to understand when trying to de-escalate a situation.

what is the degree and level of the person's emotion?


What is it called when causing the child to pick sides, not know who to trust, question everything they believe is true, make them wonder if their other parents can be trusted?

what is Parental Alienation?


BLANK is a demand stating, "I am going to..." whereas BLANK involves "or else."

1st Blank- threats

2nd Blank- coercion
