ongoing, willful, active, enthusiastic YES!
7 times
What is the number of times a person will try to leave an abusive relationship before they can leave for good
But what were they wearing? Were you drinking? But you were flirting!
What are victim blaming statements
up to 10 days
How long does a survivor have to be able to get a SAFE exam?
Instead of asking "what's wrong with you?" asking "what happened to you?"
What is being Trauma Informed?
Car and home
What are the two (2) most common places someone is sexually assaulted?
Saying the abuse didn't happen, making light of the abuse, or saying the survivor caused it
What is Minimizing, Denying or Blaming (A Power and Control Strategy)?
Everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults (whether intentional or unintentional/)
What is Microagressions
Friend, Family, Partner but not the Advocate
Who is a support Person?
Being unable to share what the survivor tells you without their written consent
What is Confidentiality?
People we (or the survivor) know(s)
Who are the most common perpetrators of sexual assault?
Respect for boundaries and each other, open communication, trust in each other
What is a healthy relationship?
Internal biases, assumptions of somethings or someone, informed by stereotypes
What is prejudice?
Is bound by Brady and must disclose to the DA who must disclose to Defense
Who is Victim Witness?
The survivor is provided with choices not advise, the survivor is the expert of their experience
What are Survivor Defined Principals?
Umbrella term for “sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent” of people involved
What is the definition of Sexual Assault?
A learned behavior
What is a cause of domestic violence?
based on perceived race; the idea that whiteness is superior and therefore has the right to dominate another race or races
What is Racism?
8 Hours
What is the number of continued education hours you must complete each year in order to keep your certification?
Validate and Believe
What are ways to support a survivor?
The most common used drug/substance to facilitate sexual assault?
Honey Moon, Tension, Explosion
What is the cycle of violence?
System of exploitation of one group (target group) for benefit of another group (dominant group) using prejudice and discrimination
What is Oppression?
Marcy's Law
What is the California Victims Bill of Rights
What is Advocacy Based Counseling?