I didn't get it at first but it grew on me
What is Seinfeld?
Safari Vibes
6 Miles
What is Hike?
Once a week meet up
What is connor's House
We watched it once, and now we on working on round two
Includes assigned seating
What is Chipotle Date?
Birthday Treat
What is Royals Game?
Action punishable by federal prison
What is holding hands?
Short phase, maybe didn't even finish the show together
What is Everybody Hates Chris?
Sometimes includes special guests and a fun mode of transportation
What is a Golf Date?
What is Father's Day?
Blueberry Bliss and Paradise Point
What is Smoothies?
Addison was this kind of victim in a video taken in Connors bed
What is "greened"?
Waiting the watch the grand finale together
What is Young Sheldon?
Pretty pricey, special valentines day treat
What is Top Golf Date?
Flecks on the Kitchen Floor
Macroons, Strawberries, and Flowers
One-on-one co-ed ______ every night
What is sleepovers?
We can Relate
What is Love on the Spectrum?
One time thing
What is a movie date?
Injectable Donut Holes
Our Anniversary Trip
Something you told me you were doing during the day while we were apart
What is House Hunting?