What is the trap?
Coping Skills
Greek Mythology

It is Steven's first day of his soccer team. The whole way to practice, Steven was feeling overwhelmed. He knew that practice was going to go terribly and he was going to be the worst one on the team. 

What trap is Steven experiencing?

Fortune telling

Feelings as Facts


True or False

Recognizing how my body feels is the first step to identifying when I need to use a coping skill


Your body is your first signal or sign of how you are feeling


Apollo, best known as the god of the____



How many comics has Marvel released as of 2019?

A. 36,570

B. 36, 199

C. 35, 423

D. 34, 321

A: 36,570


Feel your heartbeat. Then, run in place for 1 minute as fast as you can. Feel your heartbeat. Do you feel a difference?


Your school was having an attendance competition. The class with the best attendance wins a pizza party. Your classes loses by one lateness. You think, "this is all my fault." However, you were never late or missed a day.

What is the thinking trap?

Self blaming


Why do you think breathing is an important coping skill?

It sends a message to our brain. By breathing slower and more deeply from your stomach, you signal your nervous system to calm down. Your nervous system is what gets activated when feeling large emotions


_________ was the twin sister of Apollo and daughter of Zeus



Who was Marvel Comics’ first original hero character?

Human Torch


You're having a lot of thinking traps. What is a phrase you can say to yourself in the moment?

"This is a trap. It isn't true. There are no facts that make it true."

"This is a thinking trap. I will not listen."


Bethany had a playdate with a friend. They had a really fun time. On the way home, Bethany felt worried. She kept thinking that her friend wouldn't want to have another play date with her because she didn't want to go down the slide on the playground. 

What is the thinking trap?

Ignoring the good. 

Blowing things up



Mitch has a birthday party he is supposed to go to this weekend. His thinking traps are working really hard to "trap" him and making him feel worried. His thought is, "None of my friends will be at the party. I will end up sitting by myself and everyone will be starring."

What are some facts/evidence that could make his thinking traps not true?

Not True: His Mom told him she spoke to two of his friends parents who said they will be there. Last time he went to a birthday party and didn't know anyone, he ended up making a friend who he had a play date with last week.

True: When he was younger he did go to a birthday party where none of us his friends could go


In Greek mythology, what group was Atlas a member of?

The Titans

What is the name of Iron Man’s personal assistant software?

Answer: J.A.R.V.I.S.


Tense your body (tighten jaw, hands, stomach etc). Hold the tightness for 15 seconds. Now release. What do you feel?


Jessica walked into class late due to a doctor's appointment. Jessica's mom let her teacher know in advance that she would be late due to the appointment. When Jessica walked into class, her teacher turned around and waved her to put her backpack away and join the class. Jessica felt a knot in her stomach begin to form. She felt that her teacher was disappointed in her for coming late to class. 

What is the trap?

Mind Reading


At camp, you felt like your counselors didn't like you, thought you were annoying.

What are some facts/evidence that makes this statement true and untrue?

Not True: They never said anything to me about not liking me. They always played with me and comforted me when I was upset



What was the name of the mythological monster that had nine heads?


What is the Hulk’s name when in human form?

Bruce Banner


If you are feeling worried and are unable to lay day to breathe, what is another way you can calm down using breathing?


Lexi had a lot of homework, however, not all of it was due the next day. Some of the work was due the next week. Lexi kept telling herself she had to get it all done, or she was a failure and her parents would be disappointed. If she didn't get it all done tonight, she wouldn't be smart.

What is the trap?

Setting the Bar Too High

Negative Labeling

Fortune Telling


True or False

It is not okay to think negatively or have uncomfortable feelings.



What is the Greek name for mercury?


Which hero intercepted the nuclear missile aimed at Manhattan in the 2012 superhero film “The Avengers”?

Answer: Iron Man


Think of a thinking trap you had recently. Identify the facts for and against the thought that make it true or untrue
