This dust, which accumulated beneath the rug in the living room, was known as this because that's what it was, and you can't tell me otherwise.
Cat Flakes
This 2009 animated movie, produced by Tim Burton, used Coheed and Cambria's 'Welcome Home' as it's trailer soundtrack.
The name for the long moments where Dylan is deep in the tank, otherwise known as 'analysis paralysis'.
Dylan Time
Anti-Gravity Baseball Fighting Game, and the most popular MOBA.
Lethal League of Legends
A long time favorite, and very replayable...just avoid the 'Oil' expansion.
The Settlers of Catan
While not in the original group who rented out the property initially, Alex was invited to live there by this person.
The second half of the title of this Brooklyn based cop-comedy, once cancelled on Fox but renewed by NBC.
This anime series, notable for a stark change in tone after a certain plot twist, was one of Dylan's first recommendations.
Rokka -Braves of the Six Flowers-
Totally CUH-RAZY character action series, and a game that pushes the limits of even the best video cards. Does it run?
Devil May Crysis
With 50 possible endings, and an expansion adding 50 more, there's always 'room' to explore.
Betrayal at the House on the Hill
Joshua Corvinus was rudely awoken one midnight, to the sounds of the house happily watching this musical.
This mystery driven escape-the-room game uses the Nintendo DS's dual screens to employ a rich meta-narrative.
9 9 9
A defensive back-row player in Volleyball, and is also the name of the Pokemon Cinderace's Hidden Ability.
Infamous H-Game where you 'touch fluffy tail', and a horrible RPG on Nintendo's cartridge-based console.
Monster Girl Quest 64
"Duke BOYS!"
The act of hanging out with your friends, or according to one housemate, something autistic children do.
Parallel Play
In Final Fantasy 7, this number is the amount of damage every hit of Cloud's final 'Omnislash' deals.
The Best Girl in Persona 5, objectively.
Makoto Nijima
First person game where time moves when you do, and a top-down fast-paced tactical murder spree with a great soundtrack.
SUPERHotline Miami
A moment remembered fondly, involving the whole house on the floor of the kitchen, laughing hysterically, at the result of an attempted gesture of kindness.
Blue Disaster
This phrase is shouted by a certain mustachio'd fuhrer, while banging his desk in a famous moment from Inglorious Basterds.
Nien, Nien, Nien, Nien, Nien, Nien!
This video, shown here, is responsible for the infamous shirt for which the chat is named.
The Dog Of Wisdom (Remix RED)
Earthbound inspired meta-game where you can kill no one/everyone, and an Action JRPG series where every character obnoxiously yells voice lines that overlap every time they attack.
UnderTales of (any)
...and statistically, eventually one of those cats Kim Jong Un summons will be radioactive...