The italian term for soft.
What is Piano?
The meaning of the dynamic.
What is Medium Soft?
The meaning of the dynamic.
What is Soft?
The beginning dynamic of this example.
What is Loud or Forte?
The name for this symbol.
What is a Fermata?
The italian term for Loud.
What is Forte?
The meaning of the dynamic.
What is Medium Loud?
The meaning of the dynamic.
What is Loud?
The dynamic of this example.
What is Very soft or Pianissimo?
The name for this symbol.
What is a Sharp?
The italian term for Medium.
What is Mezzo?
The meaning of the dynamic. .
What is Very Loud?
The meaning of the dynamic symbol?
What is to get softer?
The starting dynamic of this example.
What is Medium Loud?
The name of this symbol.
What is a Repeat sign?
The italian term for Very Loud.
What is Fortissimo?
The meaning of the dynamic.
What is Very Soft?
The meaning of the dynamic?
What is Very very soft or Pianississimo?
The beginning dynamic of this example.
What is Soft or Piano?
The name of this symbol.
What is a Treble Clef?
The italian term for Very Soft.
What is Pianissimo?
The meaning of the dynamic symbol.
What is to get louder?
The meaning of the dynamic.
What is Very very loud or Fortississimo?
The dynamic instructions in this example.
What is going from Very loud (Fortissimo) gradually getting softer (decrescendo) to Medium Soft (Mezzo Piano)?
The name of this symbol.
What is Bass Clef?