Dystopian History

In the movie "The Hunger Games" which famous character said these lines

"I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" 

What is Katniss Everdeen 


What is a dystopia?

A. A world where everything is perfect

B. A broken society 

C. Idk (it's too early for this)

What is B. a broken society


A dystopian society is a perfect society T/F?

What is False

A dystopian society often has exaggerated worst-case scenarios that criticize current trends, societal norms, or political systems


How long can a person survive without food AND water?

What is 10 days

Depends on the person. In rare cases it can be for several weeks.


In the movie "Fahrenheit 451" , a dystopian world where firemen (AKA salamanders) create fires. What do they burn and why? 

A. Books, for their people's happiness

B. People, for population control

C. Houses, for more land

What is A. Books, for their people's happiness

(If your interested in learning more about this movie/book, please contact me) 


When was the genre "dystopian" created? 

A. 1850's

B. 1870's

C. 1940's

What is B. 1870

 The genre began to take shape in the 1870s and was very popular until the early 1930s. Some say that Yevgeny Zamyatin's 1921 novel We is considered the birth of modern dystopian literature.


Most Dystopian novels/films share a common element T/F?

What is True

Common elements of dystopian fiction include societies engaged in forever wars, and characterized by extreme social and economic class divides, mass poverty, environmental devastation, anarchy, and loss of individuality


While out looking for food your team is walking down a rocky dirt path and discovers some mysterious red berries, what do you decide to do?

A. Continue along, we can get bigger, better food somewhere else

B. Stop and Analyze them, I think they're safe?

C. Start going crazy over these red berries and snarf them down like there's no tomorrow

What is A, B or C

A. You guys continue along eventually getting weary, you spotted a strange looking animal but it got away... Ya'll are very weak to continue and stop to rest.. bad news.. it starts raining heavily -200

B. Ya'll get curious and try a couple, they are very sweet and filling, feeling satisfied you all camp near the berries and survive the rain +200

C. Ya'll start feeling sick, maybe just a couple was enough? Now ya'll are tired, sick and soaked from the rain -200


In the movie "Wall-E" why did the humans leave Earth?

A. Because they overpopulated

B. Because of overgrown plants

C. Because of too much trash and junk

What is C. too much trash and junk


Where is the genre dystopian commonly used?

There's (3) 

What is Movies, Video Games, Books 


In a dystopian society everyone is treated fairly T/F?

What is False


How long should you boil water for until it's ok to drink?

A. 25 minutes

B. 10 minutes

C. 2 days

What is one minute

The CDC recommends boiling water for one minute at a full rolling boil to make it safe to drink

Boiling water is the most reliable way to kill disease-causing organisms like bacteria, viruses, and parasites  


In the movie "The Maze Runner" 

What are Grievers?

A. People, (obviously)

B. Mechanical creatures

C. Wizards

What is B. mechanical creatures


Your team is tired of walking and hunting for food, you all travel to another abandoned building and finally find shelter, a small lake with freezing cold water and some leftover canned food. Success! 

+400, after all this walking, you find the basic essentials. Not much food so make sure to ration appropriately and it kinda smells bad in here but oh well.


Dystopias are usually set in the future T/F?

What is True

What is the first thing you do to control and potentially stop bleeding from a wound?

A. Apply pressure

B. Elevate the wound 

C. Lick it or something

What is A. apply pressure

In the movie "The Giver" Why are households only allowed to have two children?

A. population control

B. To save room for the animals

C. Everything is too expensive

What is A. population control


Who created the genre "Dystopian" ?

A. Thomas Jefferson (duh)

B. Devon Bostick

C. Yevgeny Zamyatin

What is C. Yevgeny Zamyatin


Oops! Your team is low on supplies and tries raiding an abandoned building, but there's someone living in it, they chase ya'll away with some weird looking weapon.

As a result your team loses time and whatever you had left as you all flee in hopes of getting away. -500


What's the coldest temperature a human can survive? 

A. -50°C

B. -10°C

C. -40°C

What is C. -40°C

a healthy human being should be able to go for a run for three minutes without any consequences, even without clothes.
