Hillbilly inherits highly sought-after jewlery.
the lord of the rings
Highschool girl seduced by a 100 year old predator.
Amount of characters who were at one point presumed dead in Overwatch.
Which of these characters is a human?
A, B,
Amount of people who played the Doctor in Doctor Who. (tip: the next one is called the 15th doctor)
19 actors
People of rural regions anxious to participate in olympics.
Hunger Games
Racing prodigy becomes the next Hitler.
Star Wars prequels
The only character that shows up in both Edgerunners and Cyberpunk.
Adam Smasher
How old is this character?
8 years old
The one movie that consistently makes me cry.
Father of 6 forced by his friend to relocate and work for him.
A game of thrones
Young girl forced to work in the hospitality industry because of an older woman.
Spirited away
What is the job of this creature? / A, harvest drugs from corpses. / B, be a vessel for drugs that grow inside them, after which they get killed by the drug company to harvest them. / C, They are slaves who are genetically modified to grow up to be company guards.
A (though one of them grows up to be a guard)
Which of these characters is not part of the race known as "valentines"?
Number of times Barney Stinson appears without a suit.
Man runs a business with an old aquaintance, runs into trouble with boss.
Breaking Bad
Secretary gets a raise and accidently does a better job than her predecessor.
The Spy
What did demigon Queen Marika do with the concept of death? / A, She banished it to another dimension. / B, she gave it to her dog. / C, She fed it to her male alterego. / D, She turned it into a sword.
How old is this character?
Number of times Red Hot Chilli Peppers sais the word "california" in their studio albums.
73 times
Highly dangerous patient escapes asylum and kills government officials with the help of assumed satanists.
Stranger Things
Priviliged billionaire inherits a drug empire and dies.
Which out of these is NOT a way of becoming superhuman in bloodborne? / A, physically sewing eyes inside your brain. / B, Eating the unborn fetuses of a Great One. / C, injecting a Great One's blood into your veins. / D, holding a ritual to an old one and sewing the corpses of kidnapped people together. / F, Eating other people to infuse their souls with yours.
Which of these facts ISN'T true for this character? / A, he colonised a country in Africa. / B, he married a wrestling champion anime girl. / C, he used to be a crack addict junkie. / D, he's a huge anime weeb but the two words he really knows in Japanese are "sushi" and "teryaki". / F, he is the world's last ninja.
The name of this creature according to the Berserk community.