What character is known for being upbeat, happy, and happy go lucky but when you talk to her in her free time events, she can be a bit more mature.
Ibuki Mioda
This youtuber is known for screaming like a girl.
This meme lasted for a long time even though Albert didn't talk about it that much. This meme is actually a character. And the meme started back in November 2018.
Earthworm Sally
Laughability played this horror game a lot. He made tons of videos about it. This game he played, was really appreciated in the Horror Roblox Community.
The Maze
"Rolling down your tinted window
Driving next to me real slow, he said"
Tag, You're it.
This character is known for being stupid but absolutely funny at times! He's frowned upon a lot in the Danganronpa fandom, unfortunately...
Yasuhiro Hagaruke
This youtuber is known for playing Horror games with his younger brother back in 2012 and 2013.
Back in 2019, Albert reviewed these poorly made stories/games that actually people made.. Albert reviewed one of these games that has a boy who got bullied a lot just because he didn't have robux. Later on, he became a meme and people made stories of him.
Su Tart
Laughability has a "wife" that he puts in his games that he makes for jokes.
"Crumbled photographs of me, I'm in despair. Should I be scared?"
Teddy Bear
This character is the mascot of Danganronpa.
This youtuber is known for being on Youtube for a long time but still staying his place in the most enjoyed Youtube videos.
This meme started back in late 2018, Albert started wearing this Roblox face ironically to make fun of this face. Fans wore this Roblox face just for fun. This meme is really well known in the Roblox Community.
Still Chill meme also known as The Chill face.
Laughability makes a joke about doing a crime, that he did in one of his games.
Burning a house down.
"Can't you see that we're all hurting?
If you're not teaching, we're not learning
Excuse me, how much are you earning?"
The Principal
This character's family prized building was in danger just for her to join Monokuma's forces. She was forced to help him by being a secret agent for him and if she didn't that building would be destroyed.
Sakura Ogami
This youtuber is known for making a big impact on Roblox.
Denis Daily
This meme, was about Albert and his experiences with a other roblox player. Unfortunately, this character spoken Portuguese and Albert had to rely on Google Translate to help him. This roblox player was featured in one of Albert's old Admin Command videos. In one, of these videos, Albert spoken a Portuguese phrase that became a huge meme.
Yo Tango meme.
There's this meme, that Laughability tried to steal from Albert.
The Chill face
"Sittin' in my room, looking at all I've done
Everything I wanted has come to fruition"
This character has an unknown past but later on, you realized of what she is, is not who she truly is and was. She tried her best to become way more unique and someone she wasn't just to be different from others.
Celestia Ludenberg
This youtuber is known for making THEORIES of video games.
Game Theory
This character was a scary roblox developer/myth that Albert made tons of videos back in 2018. He made a SpongeBob parody of this guy. Who is this Roblox developer?
During a stream, Laughability was playing Roblox: Bloxy's 2021 awards with his friends. One of his friends was playing Mr.Krabs walking.
Kaden Fumblebottom
"And it's all fun and games
'Til somebody falls in love"