Argentiferous means containing or producing this metal
To find the area of a sector of a circle, the formula is seen here, but fill in this missing number x
A = (θ / x) * πr²
360 (degrees)
U.S. nuclear reactors are the light-water type because they use plain H2O as this
In 1905 this brother of Orville in his Flyer III set a speed record of 38 miles per hour
Wilbur Wright
With bowling, boxing & more, in 2006 this home console from Nintendo pioneered the use of motion sensors
Crabs reabsorb calcium carbonate from their old shells and secrete enzymes to shed them in this process of getting new duds
It's a statement of a relationship such as greater than or less than; it's also a socioeconomic issue
General term for a substance made of 2 or more materials, like glass inside a plastic matrix
Europe's top commercial aircraft manufacturer, its planes include the A220, A320 & the A350
You must have attached a PDF to an email once in your life, right? Then you know the "D" stands for this, right?
Tonic water contains a small amount of this alkaloid used in the treatment of malaria
Homotopy is when one shape can be continuously deformed into another; a circle is homotopic to this oval closed curve
In 1963 the AIEE, American Institute of these Engineers, merged with the Institute of Radio Engineers
In 1953 in an F-86 borrowed from the Royal Canadian Air Force, Jacqueline Cochran became the first woman to do this
Exceed the speed of sound
In 1991 a University of Helsinki computer science student completed his first version of this open source computer operating system
This disease was first identified due to a 1976 convention in Philadelphia
When the NBA's Steph Curry puts up a 3-point shot, this point, the apex of a parabola, is about 16 feet above the floor
Rotary & reciprocating are 2 types of this machine that increases the pressure of a gas, such as air
A subsidiary of Textron, its planes include turboprops & the Citation fleet, which seats a maximum of 12 passengers
Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded using this database technology that sounds like a defensive strategy
Also known as a thunderhead, this 12-letter type of cloud extends through all 3 levels of altitude classification
In calculus this is defined as the instantaneous rate of change of a function, so for a constant function (no change) it's 0
In 2003 engineering's prestigious Draper Prize went to the co-inventors of this 24-satellite system
GPS (Global Positioning System)
The B-17 bomber was known by this alliterative term, battling anti-aircraft fire to deliver its payload
The Flying Foretress
Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded using this database technology that sounds like a defensive strategy