Definition (adjective): So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
Use the word "Aura" in a sentence.
Aura (noun): a distinctive atmosphere or quality surrounding a place, person, or thing.
Syn: celebratory, admiring, praising
Ant: disparaging, belittle, play down
What is the part of speech of "Cognizant"?
What's an example of a career that uses their panache to bemuse an audience?
What's an example of a career that uses their flair to puzzle an audience?
Definition (verb): To cause, bring about, or persuade.
Use the word "Bemuse" in a sentence.
Syn: Impressive, Great, Magnificient
Ant: Lame, Underwhelming, Small
What is the part of speech of "Laudatory"?
Laudatory (adjective): expressing praise or commendation.
How can being cognizant of a complex situation induce more careful decision-making?
How can being aware of a complex situation lead to more careful decision-making?
Definition (noun): A confusing or difficult problem or question.
Use the word "Promontory" in a sentence.
Promontory (noun) - a high point of land jutting into a body of water.
Syn: Preference, Liking, Knack
Ant: Distaste, Hatred, Pet-Peeve
What is the part of speech of "Picayune"?
Picayune (adjective) - petty, or trivial; of little value or importance.
How would a person's predilection for perfection lead them to focus on a picayune issue?
How would a persons preference for perfection lead to them focusing on an unimportant issue?
Definition (adjective): lively confidence of style or manner.
Use the word "Factotum" in a sentence.
Factotum (noun) - a person with many diverse skills or responsibilities; a jack-of-all-trades.
Syn: Stubborn, Immovable, Unwilling
Ant: Flexible, Cooperative, Understanding
What is the part of speech of "Evanescent"?
Evanescent (adjective) - fleeting, momentary, or vanishing quickly.
How might someone with a sigma aura approach solving a conundrum around intransigent individuals?
How might someone with extreme confidence solve a problem around stubborn individuals?
Definition (adjective): Unwilling to change one's views or to agree.
Use the word "Evanescent" in a sentence.
Evanescent (adjective) - fleeting, momentary, or vanishing quickly.
Syn: Create, Start, Cause
Ant: Stop, Prevent
What is the part of speech of "Aura"?
Aura (noun): a distinctive atmosphere or quality surrounding a person.
If a factotum were tasked with a grandiose project that involved climbing a promontory, what laudatory praise would you expect to see for the factotum or the project?
If a handyman were given a massive project that involved climbing a cliffside, what compliments and praise would you expect to see for the handyman or the project?