Definition: (adjective) unpleasant, morally offensive.
Use the word "Revelation" in a sentence.
Revelation (noun) - A surprising or previously unknown fact that is made known.
Syn: surplus, abundance, feast
Ant: lack, dearth
What is the part of speech of "Impropriety"?
Impropriety (noun) - behavior that is inappropriate or morally incorrect.
How can spreading rumors besmirch a person's probity among their peers?
How can spreading rumors ruin a person's trustworthiness among their peers?
Definition (verb): To damage or tarnish someone's reputation or character.
Use the word "Penitent" in a sentence.
Penitent (adjective) feeling or showing ragret for something one has done.
Syn: Clear, Detailed, Direct
Ant: Vague, Unclear, Hinted
What is the part of speech of "Accrue"?
Why would someone who inveigles others be considered unsavory?
Why would someone who tricks others be considered morally unacceptable?
Definition (verb): To claim or profess something, often falsely.
Use the word "Repercussion" in a sentence.
Repercussion (noun) - an unintended consequence or result of an action or event.
Syn: tolerate, permit, allow
Ant: forbid, refuse
What is the part of speech of "Inveigle"?
Inveigle (verb) - to persuade someone to do something through clever talk or flattery.
How might an explicit revelation about a mistake cause someone to become penitent?
How might a clear truth about a mistake cause someone to become remorseful?
Definition (adjective): overly theatrical or dramatic in behavior or speech.
Use the word "Abstruse" in a sentence.
Abstruse (adjective) - difficult to understand; obscure.
Syn: honest, moral, good
Ant: dishonest, immoral, bad
What is the part of speech of "Explicit"?
Explicit (adjective) - stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
How could acquiescing to an abstruse plan lead to accusations of impropriety in an organization?
How could going along with an unclear plan lead to accusations of wrong-doing in an organization?
Definition (noun): an excessive amount of something, especially food or drink.
Use the word "Besmirch" in a sentence.
Besmirch (verb) - To damage or tarnish someone's reputation or character.
Syn: Dramatic, Theatrical, Staged
Ant: Unaffected, Natural, Stale
What is the part of speech of "Purport"?
Purport (verb) - To claim or profess something; often falsely.
How could a surfeit of histrionic outbursts during a project lead to the cessation of productivity in the group?
How could a large amount of dramatic outbursts during a project lead to the end of productivity in the group?