You should ___ go back to your backback throughout the class period.
You get ___ bathroom passes each month.
Bell Work should be done _____ of class.
at the beginning
Attendance matters. It is important to ____ every day.
come; be on time; arrive on time
(multiple answers possible)
You should always sit in ______.
your assigned seat
One material I will need every day is____.
You need to take ___ with you when you use the bathroom.
Bathroom pass
You have about ___ minutes to go from one class to another.
Hoodies are a ______.
Backpacks should be placed _______ after grabbing my ______.
on the back tables; materials
You need to put back _______ after coming back from _______.
the bathroom pass; the bathroom
Bell work must be answered in a _________.
complete sentence
Cell phones are to ____ the whole class period.
put away
kept in backpack
(multiple answers possible)
Headphones should be _______.
kept away
put in backback
taken off
(multiple answers possible)
When borrowing any materials after using them you shoul_______.
place them back neatly where you found them
Wait until _____ to ask to use the restroom.
the teacher is not teaching
It is okay to guess or have an incorrect answer but you_____ ____.
must try
You are considered ______ after __ minutes.
We end the class period with______________.
(answers may vary)
At the end of class you should _______________.
clean up your area
put materials back
(multiple answers possible)
ONLY ask when you see ______ by the board.
the pass is hanging
start working on your planner of self-assessment
Your cell phone will _____ if you have it out.
taken away
(answers vary)
Community pencils should only be borrowed_____________. They should be__________.
in emergencies; PUT BACK after using