______was another Puritan dissenter. (pg 142)
Why was Anne Hutchinson a important person?
the dense forests in certain regions allowed other colonists to cut this.(pg 139)
What is timber?
The ______set up towns and farms in new England that looked empty to them.This was not true,however, as local American Indians.(pg.141)
Who were the puritans?
The____founded New Netherland in the 1620s.It soon became a thriving trade center where people interacted.(pg 143)
What did the Dutch find
King ___________of England took control of the colony.He chose a leader to govern the colony,making Virginia a royal colony.(pg 144)
What did king James the 1 do
Thomas Hooker was a _____.(pg 142)
What does a puritan minister do?
The middle colonies had this and warmer climate.(pg 140)
What is rich soil?
Although the puritans came to____to practice their religion freely, they did not believe in freedom of religion. (Pg.141)
Why did the puritans come to Massachusett?
Quakers were against war, said people could pray in their own way, and that women could be ______.(pg.143)
What are preachers?
When _____ became England's new king, he gave part of Virginian to lord Baltimore.(pg.144)
Who was Charles the 1?
After England's new king,____,came to power,a fleet was sent to capture New Netherland.(pg 143)
Why was Charles 11 come to power
To make this easier,settlers built roads and bridges
What is transportation?
Puritan leaders were afraid that _____ ideas were "new and dangerous." So in 1636, he was put up for trial and forced to leave the colony.(pg.141)
What did Williams do?
_____ Stuyvesant surrendered to the English when the colonists refused to fight.(pg.143)
who was Governor peter?
Carolina began as a ______ colony.In 1663,King Charles the second gave the land to eight of his supporters.(pg.144)
What dose proprietary mean?
Like_______,Hutchinson was put on trial for her beliefs and was banished from Massachusetts.(pg 142)
What did Roger Williams do?
These were present in all three regions
What is bodies of water?
Like Roger Williams, Hutchinson was put for on trial for her _____ and was banished from Massachusetts.(ph.142)
What were her beliefs
The ____ of York gave some land to two friends, and this land became the colony of New Jersey.(pg.143)
Who was the duke of York?
In 1729 south Carolina became a _____. Rich soil made the land good for growing crops.(pg.144)
How did Carolina become a royal colony?
____allowed James Oglethorpe to start a colony there for English people who had been sent to jail for debt.(pg.144)
What did king George the 11 do?
The best climate and land for farming was in this (pg 140)
Why is the southern colonies have the best climate and land for farming
Thomas Hooker was a _____. He, like Williams and Hutchinson, wanted more political freedom.(pg.142)
What's a puritans minister?
New York and new Jersey had ____ populations.That is, there were people from many different countries and backgrounds living there.(pg.143)
What dose diverse mean?
Oglethorpe _____ good relations between colonists and the Yamacrow for many years.(pg.144)
What does coordinate mean?