Now what
Who Pays
Name that Service
The Cast

You've just completed a Placement Plan meeting for a new job seeker. Now what? *Hint: Immediately following the meeting you need to take one essential step to ensure Great Work is paid for our services.  

What is: Upload the fully signed placement plan to the client's folder.


Assistance helping someone plan for an efficient, successful job search is paid for by... (Medicaid waivers or VRS).

What are: Medicaid waivers


You received a new referral for an individual who wants help addressing occasional issues with their employer.  Name that service.

What is: Employment Support Services


When someone is in the Find phase, who coordinates their services?

Who is: their VR Counselor


The four phases of the E1MN framework are:

What are: Engage, Plan, Find, Keep


You have been providing Employment Exploration services to an individual for a few week.  They tell you they're ready to start job searching.  Now what?

What is: Alert the case manager that the person would like to move to EDS-Plan and send an accompanying 6790.


Assistance finding job openings and completing applications is funded by:  (Medicaid waivers or VRS).

What is: VRS?


You've just had an intake meeting for a new client who has never worked in the community before.  They'd like us to help them learn about work.

What is: Employment Exploration Services.


When someone is working through a Plan Phase Service Plan with us, who should we be sending weekly email updates to?

Who is: the person's waiver case manager and the rest of their team.


Name the respective services for "Engage" and "Keep" phase:

What are : Employment Exploration Services (Engage) and Employment Support Services (Keep).


A case manager alerts you that one of your EDS-Plan clients has just been admitted to the hospital.  Now what?

What is: Stop all services!  Nothing can be billed while an individual is the hospital.  Thank the case manager for the heads up and ask them to alert you when they are discharged.


You've been supporting Phillip to help hin build his independence at his job for over two years.  Who pays?  (His medicaid waiver or VRS)

What is: His Medicaid waiver.


We've received a new referral from VRS to begin a job search.  Name that service.

What is: Placement and Retention Services (we will also accept PBA or E1PBA).


When we begin the Plan phase with someone, what is one of the first agencies we want to get them enrolled with to prevent disruption in their job search?

What is: their local VR office


When someone switches from "Plan" phase to "Find" phase, who do you alert to request a new client folder?

Who is: the wonderful Patty!


You've received a new referral for Employment Exploration Services.  At the intake meeting, it becomes clear the person actually wants to job search.  Now what? 

What is: Let the person and team know about EDS-Plan and that must be completed before job searching, send the case manager a 6790 for EDS-Plan phase.


One of your clients who has been in their job for a little over a year is ready to enroll in the Lyft program.  Who pays for these rides?

What is: their Medicaid waiver


It's annual renewal time and you need to prepare a 6790 for a client who has been in the Keep phase for several months.  He also recently alerted you that he'd like to start looking for a new job.  He doesn't have a resume and has never heard of VRS.  What services should be included on his 6790?

What are: Employment Support Services and Employment Development Services - Plan Phase


When someone gets a job and wants us to join them for a few shifts beginning in two days, who should we request a service agreement from?

Who is: the VR Counselor


When someone moves from "Find" phase services to "Keep" phase services, they will need a new intake meeting and 45-day meeting, new client folder, and new 245D required plans and documents.  True or false?

What is: True


You have been job searching with someone through a PBA.  They've just found a job and you've decided together that you will join them for their first shift.  Now what?

What is: Email the VR Counselor asap and request a service agreement for job coaching and travel.


You just helped someone find a new job!  They start next week and will need to buy two uniforms.  How pays?

What is: VRS (as long as you immediately alert the VR Counselor and make sure the person doesn't purchase anything before getting approval) or the person, them self.


One of your job seekers just found a job and needs some support for their first shift happening in two days.  What service should we arrange?

What is: Job Coaching (funded by VRS)


When we receive a new referral for "Keep" phase services, who should we invite to the intake meeting?

Who are: the person, the case manager, the guardian, and anyone else the person wants to invite.


When someone moves from "Engage" phase to "Plan" phase services, they will need a new intake meeting and 45-day meeting, new client folder, and new 245D required plans and documents.  True or false?

What is: false.
