Respirations below 10
Bluish Coloring of the Skin
Five Cardinal Signs of acute inflammation
pain, redness, immobility (loss of function), swelling and heat
These 3 processes are needed for adequate gas exchange
ventilation, transport and perfusion
Client ordered 1000mg of Vanco PO TID. You have Vanco 500mg/5ml. How many mL per dose would you administer?
Change in clients BP with position changes
Orthostatic Hypotension
Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tool
Braden Scale
First Line of Defense Against infection
Shortness of breath while lying on your back
Infuse 500ml over 2hours, tubing has a drip factor of 10gtt/ml. You have a pump
Name the 4 assessment techniques
Inspection, Auscultation, Palpation, Percussion
Pressure ulcer acquired in the hospital
Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury (HAPI)
Nutritional Lab measuring circulating protein in the blood
Oxygen device delivering precise amounts of oxygen used for chronic lung disease
Venturi Mask
Give 2400 ml of a tube feeding solution to infuse over 24 hrs using a 10gtt/ml set? What is your drop rate?
GI complication associated with immobility
Measurement of Blood Glucose level over a 2-3 month period
HGA1C (Hemoglobin A1c)
Class of Medication ending in "Sartan"
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs)
Order: 500mg Cipro in 500ml to infuse over 90minutes. What rate would you set the pump? Round to the nearest 10th
Law that holds nurses accountable and ensures consistent care
Nurse Practice Act
Musculoskeletal Complication associated with immobility
Muscle atrophy or Contractures
Clinical Manifestations of Systemic Inflammation
Fever, Leukocytosis, Malaise and Fatigue
Blood Flow Through The Heart
Right Atrium->Right Ventricle->Pulmonary Artery->Lungs->Pulmonary Vein->Left Atrium->Left Ventricle->Body
Infuse 750ml over 8hrs using a 10gtts/ml set. What is the drop rate?