This adjective describes something that happens once every year, like your birthday or a big festival! What is the word?
If you order an artist to paint a mural or ask an architect to design a building, you have done this.
Guess the Word: A period of time known for a particular quality.
What's the difference between a topic and a main idea?
Topic: what the reading is about
Main Idea: the idea/point the author is trying to make with the topic
True or False? :
It's okay to skip words you don't know while you're reading.
Yes, many times this is okay!
Give an example of an isolated place.
Various possible answers.
Subway systems, the internet, and airline routes are all examples of these because they connect different places.
What's the difference between "complement" and "compliment?"
Complement: Go well with
Compliment: Say something nice to someone about them
What is a supporting idea?
An idea that supports the main idea with more explanation, examples, etc.
What are some signals of example words and phrases?
for example, to illustrate, for instance, such, or like
Use "in a sense" in a sentence.
Various possible answers.
If something is dangerous and at risk of collapsing, engineers will try to do this to make it safe and secure.
Guess the Word: To dramatically change the way that something is.
What are two things you can do to help you find the main idea in a reading?
Look at the beginning or end of the reading; Find the the supporting details; Look for repeating words/phrases...
What can you do if you don't know the meaning of an important word (without using your phone/a dictionary or asking your teacher)?
Predict the meaning; Use context; Look for signal words; Analyze prefixes & suffixes; Look for definitions in the text; etc.
This word means "continued action, even when difficult. A person who keeps trying even after failing multiple times shows this quality." What is the word?
If someone doesn’t want to get caught breaking the rules, they might try to do this—like sneaking out past curfew! Use the word "evade" in your answer.
Example Answer: "Someone might evade getting caught by sneaking out quietly."
Use the Phrase to Fill in the Blank:
"It _________________ that he was lying, despite his efforts to hide it." (Are found out)
It was found out that he was lying, despite his efforts to hide it.
How can you mark your reading paper to be able to quickly find details later on?
Annotation: using symbols, notes, or headings
What are some signal words that might tell you that a contrast is coming in the reading?
rather, unlike, instead of, although, while
This verb means "to combine two or more things so that they become a whole." Many schools aim to do this with technology in classrooms to improve learning experiences. What is the word?
Use "spread out" to describe something growing and taking up more space.
Example Answer: The subway system spread out to connect more neighborhoods across the city.
Use the Phrase: "The jury found him guilty _________________."
beyond a reasonable doubt
What are two-three questions you should ask yourself about a reading text to help you understand?
Example Answers:
What are some signal words that might tell you that a definition is about to be given to you in the reading?
is called, in other words, is referred to, is known as, is defined as, or that is