Monterey Mysteries
Proverbs and Idioms
San Francisco History
Cultural Contribution
Grammar and Language
Hornet's Nest

John Steinbeck, the author of “Canary Row,” was born in
A. Monterey.
B. Salinas.
C. Pacific Grove.
D. San Juan Bautista.

B. Salinas.


Of someone who is very successful in their business ventures and has an easy time making money, we say that he or she has
A. Zeus’ thunderbolt.
B. Midas’ touch.
C. Hermes’ flying sandals.
D. Herculean labors.

B. Midas’ touch.


The Golden Gate Bridge and what other bridge were completed in San Francisco Bay in 1936 and 1937 respectively?
A. The San Mateo Bridge.
B. The Tobin Bridge.
C. The Oakland Bay Bridge.
D. The Martinez Bridge.

C. The Oakland Bay Bridge.


Какие цветы не упоминаются в названиях картин Винсента Ван Гога?
A. Ирисы.
B. Подсолнухи.
C. Ландыши.
D. Маки.

C. Ландыши.


Choose the structure that best fits the sentence - Мы читаем книгу…
А. О аэропорте.
B. Об аэропорту.
С. О аэропорту.
D. Об аэропорте.

D. Об аэропорте.


What was Hornet's role in the reality show “The Amazing Race”?
A. It was the subject of an episode
B. It was the set for the show's scenes
C. It hosted the final task of the show
D. It hosted the show's fan convention

C. It hosted the final task of the show


Which of these famous writers stayed in Monterey?
A. Mark Twain.
B. Jack London.
C. Ernest Hemingway.
D. Robert Lewis Stevenson.

D. Robert Lewis Stevenson.


When talking about giving all your best or going the extra mile, we say “The whole…”
A. Six yards.
B. Seven yards.
C. Eight yards.
D. Nine yards.

D. Nine yards.


The subway system in San Francisco Bay is known as:
A. Direct Access Rapid Transit (DART).
B. California Rapid Transit (CART).
C. Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART).
D. Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST).

C. Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART).


Кто из этих художников не был импрессионистом?
A. Пьер Огюст Ренуар.
B. Клод Моне.
C. Сальвадор Дали.
D. Эдгар Дега.

C. Сальвадор Дали.


What's the grammatical gender for the word “кенгуру”?
A. Gender neutral word (no gender).
B. Feminine.
C. Masculine.
D. Neuter.

C. Masculine.


Which American aircraft carrier sank during the Battle of Midway?
A. USS Hornet
B. USS Alabama
C. USS Yorktown
D. USS Enterprise

C. USS Yorktown


Presidio of Monterey was attacked in 1818 by:
A. Mexico.
B. Argentina.
C. France.
D. Spain.

B. Argentina.


In Russian, when we talk about the highest value of something, we say:
A. Красивая цена.
B. Красная цена.
C. Прекрасная цена.
D. Цена бесценного.

B. Красная цена.


What island off the coast of San Francisco known as “The Ellis Island of the West” was an immigration station in the early 20th century?
A. Alcatraz Island.
B. Hog Island.
C. Angel Island.
D. Yerba Buena Islan

C. Angel Island.


Какой из сказочных коней был крылатым?
A. Конек-Горбунок.
B. Сивка-Бурка.
C. Пегас.
D. Троянский конь.

C. Пегас.


Select the correct form for the Past Perfect Tense:
A. She had went to the store.
B. She went to the store.
C. She has gone to the store.
D. She had gone to the store.

D. She had gone to the store.


How many USS Hornets have there been?
A. 12
B. 3
C. 10
D. 8

D. 8


Which of these films or series was shot in Monterey?
A. Big Little Lies.
B. Intern.
C. The Call of the Wild.
D. Parasite.

A. Big Little Lies.


In Russian, when we talk about unverified information, we say
A. Тётя из Саратова не врёт.
B. Спроси у дяди из Хабаровска.
C. Бабушка надвое сказала.
D. Поживем, увидим.

C. Бабушка надвое сказала.


What fort on San Francisco Bay, built during the California Gold Rush, has never seen a battle?
A. Fort Point.
B. Fort Ord.
C. Fort Baker.
D. Fort MacArthur.

A. Fort Point.


Какому городу Иван Айвазовский завещал картинную галерею?
A. Коктебель.
B. Ялта.
C. Севастополь.
D. Феодосия.

D. Феодосия.


The correct equivalent of the phrase: “Ложитесь, пожалуйста!”.
A. Lay down, please!
B. Laid down, please!
C. Lie down, please!
D. Lay here, please!

C. Lie down, please!


What was Hornet's primary role?
A. Submarine hunting
B. Transport
C. Reconnaissance
D. Air operation

D. Air operation


Who co-founded the Monterey Jazz Festival in 1958?
A. Clint Eastwood.
B. Dizzy Gillespie.
C. Jimmy Lyons.
D. Miles Davis.

C. Jimmy Lyons.


Как звучит окончание народной поговорки времён Отечественной войны 1812 года “Приехал Кутузов…”
A. Сменить Барклая.
B. Остановить супостата.
C. Отступать.
D. Бить французов.

D. Бить французов.


Who designed the “grand promenade” that became today's Market Street, the principal street in downtown San Francisco?
A. John Fremont.
B. Jasper O’Farrell.
C. Andrew Hallidie.
D. George Christopher.

B. Jasper O’Farrell.


Как называли богиню охоты в Древнем Риме?
A. Юнона.
B. Минерва.
C. Диана.
D. Церера.

C. Диана.


What figure of speech is used in the following sentence:
“Her hair was like gravy running brown off her head. And clumping up on her shoulders.”
A. Metaphor.
B. Personification.
C. Hyperbole.
D. Simile.

D. Simile.


What year did Hornet recover Apollo 12?
A. 1971
B. 1970
C. 1969
D. 1972

C. 1969
