Name the 4 narrative tenses
simple past, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous
Name the structure for present perfect
subject + have/has + verb in part participle + complement
Name a phrase you use to describe something that is on the upper or lower limit of a group
by far
When do we use the future perfect?
To talk about events that are expected to be completed before a time reference in the future
What is your english teacher favourite animal?
We use this tense for completed events in the past
simple past
Name the structure for present perfect continuous
subject + have/ has + been + verb ing + complement
When do we use comparatives?
when we want to describe how to objects or ideas are different from each other.
Choose the best option
I__________by then
a) will be leave
b)will have left
c) will be leaving
Which planet shares its name with a chemical element?
We use this tense for events that occurred before a past event
Past perfect
Complete the sentence:
He_____never _____(direct) a movie before
has/ directed
In the sentence :
Posting online is slightly different than sending a letter
What does the word slightly mean?
That it is a small difference between the ideas
Complete the question
Will you _______(arrive) by 8 am?
have arrived
What is the only bird that can fly backward?
Choose the correct narrative tense:
I ___________(look) for the house when I heard the explotion
was looking
Complete the sentence:
They __________(work) all morning.
have been working
Complete the sentence:
_________ I listen to the news________ I feel safe.
the more/ the less
Complete the sentence:
You ________(receive) the bill by the time the item arrives
will have receive
What is the profession of the nintendo character Luigi?
Choose the correct narrative tense:
By the time we got there, we ___________(walk) for hours
had been walking
Say a present perfect sentence using the verb find
I have found a beautiful house for me to live
Using a superlative complete the sentence:
Pinterest is ___________ interesting website that I have ever seen.
the most
create a complete sentence in future perfect using the verb do
What is the national animal of Scotland?