What color was Annamarie’s hair freshman year?
What dorm did Annamarie live in sophomore year?
What sports team did Annamarie start managing for junior year?
What animal did Kevin compare Annamarie to when they first met?
A Giraffe
What is the name of the stadium Annamarie will be working at for her new job?
Who did Annamarie take to her first kappa formal?
Camaron Tongue (Kitty)
Which 6’10 basketball player had the same leg length as Annamarie?
Jacob Holt
What state was Annamarie in when she smashed her head on the roof of a car and Sophia yelled at her for it?
Which rower can see directly into Annamarie‘s bedroom window?
David Cureton
What are the name of the islands that Annamarie’s family is from?
The Azores
Which NBA player made it in a photo with Annamarie during Kokomo freshman year?
Jalen Williams
What sport did Annamarie play in high school?
What nickname did Annamarie get when she built Julia and Sophia’s bunk bed?
Utility (acceptable: “Bobina/Bob“ the Builder)
What is the name of the brand that Annamarie gets her tall girl clothes from?
What was the nickname of Annamarie’s old Mercedes before it crashed out?
The Golden Chariot
What was annamarie’s major before it was Comm?
What was the name of the boxing studio Annamarie worked out?
What was Annamarie‘s halloween costume junior year? (hint: 4 people, Zach Brown)
A piece of fried chicken
What high school hobby did Annamarie revisit senior year?
Name Annamarie’s 3 hometown best friends?
Kelsey, Natasha, and Julia
What were the names of the GCU guys who slept on annamarie’s floor during kappa formal?
Keaton and Hunter (aka: hottie)
How many shots can Annamarie take before blacking out / throwing up? (Hint: shipwrecked)
What was the name of the vball manager who made Annamarie sleep on the floor so baby could take the bed?
What piece of apparel has every boy Annamarie’s kissed left in her room?
What is the name of the Jewish segregation camp Annamarie has worked at for all fours of university?
friendship circle