What vendor uses an API?
What vendor has the most maps in Data Connect?
Principal TXT
How many different pay frequencies are supported?
Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Quarterly, Semi-Monthly, Monthly, Semi-annually, Annually (8)
You would navigate here to build a new file format
What NFL Football team is affiliated with Paycor?
What vendor created a special character issue after migration?
What day of the week does Data Connect see the highest volume?
Wages withheld from an employee's paycheck for the payment of taxes, benefits, or garnishments
What feature would you use to make a minimal update and save off a map?
Duplicate Map
What year did Paycor become a Virtual First Company?
Which carrier had issue with commas on the DC file?
July Services
What does UAT stand for?
User Acceptance Testing
This is a company's centralized record of financial transactions, including assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses.
General Ledger
You would use this feature to update a map that is in production.
Lock and Unlock Map
Who was the original founder of Paycor?
Robert "Bob" Coughlin
Which vendor’s migration failed because the carriage return didn’t populate?
Where can you locate C# coding examples?
This type of payroll processing is performed to make corrections or adjustments to an employee's pay.
Adjustment Run
What does this C++ code do: Address = replace(Record_2.Address_Line_1,",","")+" "+replace(Record_2.Address_Line_2,",","")+" "+Record_2.Address_Number_Field;
This C++ code concatenates three strings together to form an address. It replaces any commas in the first and second address lines with an empty string, and then adds a space between each address component.
What year was Paycor founded?
Who was the last vendor migrated to Data Connect?
Principal Financial Group - TXT
How many UAT test scenarios were executed for a client/carrier with an FTP setup?
This provision allows individuals who are age 50 or older to contribute additional funds to their retirement savings account.
Catch-up code
What is the purpose of this C++ code: Detail_Record_SSN = left(left(Record_2.Social_Security_Number,5),3)+"-"+right(left(Record_2.Social_Security_Number,5),2)+"-"+right(Record_2.Social_Security_Number,4);
The code concatenates these three parts together with dashes ("-") in the format "AAA-GG-SSSS" and stores the formatted SSN in the variable "Detail_Record_SSN".
What marathon did the founder of Paycor form?
Flying Pig Marathon