Present Simple
that, these, this, those
Prepositions of Place

He ___ (play) soccer every Saturday

He plays soccer every Saturday 

The base verb "play" simply adds -s in the third person singular.


Max and Todd work every day.

They are working.

Possible answers:

a. always
b. sometimes
c. never

a. always


What is the correct way to say that there is a single apple on the table?

  1. There are one apple on the table.
  2. This are one apple on the table.
  3. These is one apple on the table.
  4. That are one apple on the table.
  5. There is one apple on the table.
  1. There is one apple on the table.


 Question: Where is the book?

  1. In the table.
  2. Under the table.
  3. Next to the table.
  4. Close to the table.
  5. On the table.
  • On the table.

1. Traveling on a Cruise Ship

Story: Traveling on a cruise ship is a unique way to explore the world. Passengers can enjoy luxurious accommodations, exquisite dining, and a variety of entertainment options while sailing to exotic destinations. Cruising offers the convenience of visiting multiple places without the hassle of packing and unpacking. Whether you prefer lounging by the pool, attending a Broadway-style show, or exploring ports of call, cruise ships provide an all-inclusive vacation experience. From the Caribbean to the Mediterranean, there’s a voyage for every traveler.

Question: What is one benefit of traveling on a cruise ship mentioned in the story?

  1. Hassle of packing and unpacking at each destination.
  2. Limited dining options.
  3. Continuous travel without changing accommodations.
  4. Lack of entertainment options

3. Continuous travel without changing accommodations.


She ___ (watch) her favorite show after dinner.

She watches her favorite show after dinner.

For verbs ending in -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, or -o, we add -es in the third person singular.


We have our team meetings regularly.

We meet ___.

Possible answers:
a. every hour
b. once a week
c. once a year

b. once a week


Question: What is the correct way to refer to multiple books that belong to you and are far away?

  1. These are my books.
  2. Those are my books.
  3. This are my books.
  4. That is my books.
  5. There is my books.

Those are my books


 Question: Where is the cat?

  1. On the chair.
  2. In the chair.
  3. Next to the chair.
  4. Close to the chair.
  5. Under the chair.
  • Under the chair.

2. Pop Songs

Story: Pop songs dominate the airwaves and charts with catchy melodies and relatable lyrics. They often reflect current trends and cultural themes, making them a snapshot of the times. Whether it's the latest hit from a rising star or a new release from a seasoned artist, pop songs have a way of connecting with a broad audience. They are crafted to be memorable, often featuring repetitive choruses and upbeat tempos. This genre's ability to evolve with the times keeps it consistently popular and ever-present in our lives.

Question: What makes pop songs memorable according to the story?

  1. Complex instrumentation.
  2. Catchy melodies and repetitive choruses.
  3. Slow tempos.
  4. Historical themes

Catchy melodies and repetitive choruses.


He ___ (study) English every day.

He studies English every day.

For verbs ending in a consonant + "y", the "y" changes to "i" and we add -es.


Lisa forgets her keys only a few times a year.

She ___ forgets her keys.

Possible answers:
a. often
b. rarely
c. always

She rarely forgets her keys.


How do you indicate that a hat close to you is your favorite?

  1. That is my favorite hat.
  2. There is my favorite hat.
  3. These is my favorite hat.
  4. This is my favorite hat.
  5. Those are my favorite hat.
  • This is my favorite hat

 Question: Where is the lamp?

  1. On the sofa.
  2. In the sofa.
  3. Under the sofa.
  4. Close to the sofa.
  5. Next to the sofa.
  • Next to the sofa.

3. Cooking

Story: Cooking is an art and a science. It involves selecting fresh ingredients, blending flavors, and using various techniques to create delicious meals. Whether you’re following a recipe or improvising, cooking can be a creative and therapeutic process. Each cuisine has unique methods and traditions, from the delicate art of sushi-making to the robust flavors of Italian pasta dishes. Experimenting with new recipes or perfecting a family favorite, cooking allows you to express yourself and share your creations with others, bringing people together over a shared love of food.

Question: What are two aspects of cooking mentioned in the story?

  1. Decorating and serving.
  2. Eating and drinking.
  3. Selecting fresh ingredients and blending flavors.
  4. Shopping and cleaning.

3. Selecting fresh ingredients and blending flavors.


The child ___ (go) to bed at 8 p.m

The child goes to bed at 8 p.m

"Go" is an irregular verb, and in the third person singular, we add -es.


I go to the gym frequently.

I work out ___.

Possible answers:
a. once a week
b. five times a week
c. every day

b. five times a week


How do you say that numerous students are present in the class?

  1. There is many students in the class.
  2. There are many students in the class.
  3. This are many students in the class.
  4. That are many students in the class.
  5. Those is many students in the class.
  • There are many students in the class.

 Question: Where is the dog?

  1. On the yard.
  2. Under the yard.
  3. Next to the yard.
  4. Close to the yard.
  5. In the yard.
  • In the yard.

4. Programming

Story: Learning to program opens up a world of possibilities. From creating simple websites to developing complex software systems, programming is a vital skill in today’s tech-driven world. Beginners often start with languages like Python, known for its simplicity and versatility. As they advance, they may learn more specialized languages like Java or C++. Programming requires logical thinking and problem-solving skills. The sense of accomplishment when watching your code come to life is unparalleled, making it a rewarding and powerful ability to possess.

Which programming language is recommended for beginners according to the story?

  1. Java
  2. Python
  3. C++
  4. Assembly
  • Python

She ___ (have) a new bike

She has a new bike

The verb "have" is irregular in the third person singular, changing to "has."


They take a big family vacation occasionally.

They travel ___.

Possible answers:
a. once a year
b. every three years
c. twice a year

b. every three years


 If you want to compliment multiple cookies that are near you, what would you say?

  1. This cookie taste delicious.
  2. Those cookie taste delicious.
  3. That cookie taste delicious.
  4. There cookie taste delicious.
  5. These cookies taste delicious.

These cookies taste delicious!


Question: Where are the keys?

  1. On the door.
  2. In the door.
  3. Under the door.
  4. Close to the door.
  5. Behind the door.

  • Close to the door.

5. Extreme Vacation Ideas

Story: Imagine scaling the icy heights of Mount Everest, navigating the wild rapids of the Amazon River, or exploring the depths of the Mariana Trench with specialized diving gear. Extreme vacations push the boundaries of traditional tourism, offering thrill-seekers a chance to experience unparalleled adventures. These trips require rigorous preparation and often push participants to their physical and mental limits. They are not just vacations; they are life-changing experiences that challenge and redefine personal boundaries.

Question: What do extreme vacations generally offer to participants?

  1. Relaxing beach trips.
  2. Traditional sightseeing.
  3. Unparalleled adventures that push physical and mental limits.
  4. Museum tours. 

3. Unparalleled adventures that push physical and mental limits.
