Young Men
Young Women
Children and Youth Program
For the Strength of Youth
The first sentence of the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme.

What is "I am a beloved son of God, and He has a work for me to do"?


The first sentence of the Young Women Theme.

What is "I am a beloved daughter of heavenly parents, with a divine nature and eternal destiny."


The four areas of personal development outlined in the Personal Development: Youth Guidebook

What are: Spiritual, Social, Physical, Intellectual?


Name one of the the six topics addressed in the For the Strength of Youth booklet.

What are: Jesus Christ will help you; Love God, love your neighbor; Walk in God's light; Your body is sacred; Truth will make you free; Find joy in Christ


The priesthood quorum whose duties include passing the sacrament and assisting the bishop in "administering all temporal things."

What is the deacons quorum?


New assignment for Young Women class presidencies, announced in August 2024.

What is organizing the youth to welcome visitors and members to sacrament meeting?


Five-day events that include activities, devotionals, and classes designed to help strengthen faith in Jesus Christ and provide opportunities for youth to grow spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually.

What are FSY conferences?

The three parts that each topic in For the Strength of Youth is divided into.

What are: 1. Eternal truths 2. Invitations 3. Promised blessings


The current Young Men General President.

Who is Steven J. Lund?


The current Young Women General President.

Who is Emily Belle Freeman?

The motto of the Children and Youth Program.

What is "strive to be"?


The scripture referenced on the back of the For the Strength of Youth booklet.

What is Doctrine and Covenants 6:36? "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."


An organized group of men or young men who hold the priesthood. They “serve others, fulfill priesthood duties, build unity, and learn and live doctrine.”

What is a priesthood quorum?

Young women classes are led by this group of young women who function with priesthood authority when they are set apart.

What are Young Women class presidencies?


The scripture often referred to in the Children and Youth program that talks about Jesus as a youth.

What is Luke 2:52? "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man."


The subtitle of For the Strength of Youth booklet.

What is A Guide for Making Choices?
