Where did George Washington go?
His house!
how did Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln traveled on a boat and on a train.
does trump travel with family?
Who is the president now
Did all the presidents meet?
Nope they all died before they could meet.
where did Abraham Lincoln travel too?
Abraham and his family begin a 200-mile journey to move to Illinois where they settle on unclear land along the Sangamon River, near Decatur.
How did George Washington travel
Who did Ronald Regan travel with
Mostly himself
Who traveled by boat sometimes?
Abraham Lincoln
What color hair does trump have?
Were did Obama go?
Cuba, Argentina, Main, Aspen, Florida, New york
How does Trump travel?
Trump has his own private jet called Boeing 757
Who did George Washington travel with?
Him self or with his wife
what president went around the world?
Ronald Reagan!
How did George Washington die
A lung infection
Were did Theodore Roosevelt travel?
Europe, Africa, and South America. He traveled along the Amazon river, And the Nile for his 14th birthday.
How did obama travel?
Air Force One
have they all traveled together
Which president went home for there vacation?
George Washington.
how did theodore roosevelt travel?
by boat, horse, and plane. during his time there were no good planes or cars yet so boat and horse were the most used.
Were did trump go?
Virginia, Florida, Palm beach, New Jersey
What did Theodore Roosevelt travel in?
By Boat, Horse, and Plane.
Does Obama travel with his family
Yes! If its a family Trip
What year was Obama born?
Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961
what year did Abraham Lincoln die?
April 14, 1865