Figurative Lang
Context Clues
Author's Purpose

It's raining cat's and dogs is 







 Sarah was feeling melancholic after watching the sunset and remembering her late grandmother.

 "watching the sunset" and "remembering her late grandmother," indicating that Sarah feels sad or sorrowful.


 In an article advocating for the preservation of national parks, what is the author's purpose?

 The author's purpose is to persuade the reader to support the preservation of national parks.


The solar system consists of the Sun and the celestial objects that orbit around it. These objects include eight planets, numerous moons, asteroids, comets, and dwarf planets. The Sun, a massive ball of gas, provides heat and light to the planets through nuclear fusion. The planets are divided into two main groups: terrestrial planets, which are rocky and include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, and gas giants, which are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium and include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The paragraph discusses the composition of the solar system, including the Sun and various celestial objects like planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and dwarf planets. It highlights the distinction between terrestrial planets and gas giants.


"I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. What point of view is this sentence written in?"

First person. The use of "I" indicates that the narrator is directly involved in the events described.


Which sentence uses metaphor?

A. The classroom is a zoo

B. The classroom was a zoo

C. The classroom is loud 

D. As long as the sky

B. The classroom was a zoo



The aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the kitchen, tempting everyone to grab one before dinner.

The context clue is "aroma of freshly baked cookies" and "tempting everyone to grab one before dinner," indicating that the smell is enticing or irresistible.


What is the author's purpose in writing a fairy tale about a brave knight rescuing a princess from a dragon?

The author's purpose is to entertain the reader with a fictional story.


Photosynthesis is a vital process that occurs in plants, algae, and some bacteria, where they convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose. This process takes place in the chloroplasts of plant cells, where chlorophyll, a green pigment, captures sunlight. Carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil are also essential inputs for photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, oxygen is released as a byproduct, which is crucial for the survival of organisms that rely on aerobic respiration for energy production.

The paragraph explains photosynthesis, emphasizing its importance for plants and other organisms. It describes the conversion of light energy into chemical energy, the role of chloroplasts and chlorophyll, and the inputs and outputs of the process.


"She hurried to catch the bus, her heart pounding with anticipation. What point of view is this sentence written in?"

 Third person limited. The use of "she" indicates that the narrator is describing the actions and thoughts of a specific character, but from an external perspective.


"I've told you a million times to clean your room!" What type of figurative language is being used here?







Despite studying diligently, Mark couldn't comprehend the complex mathematical equation.

The context clue is "studying diligently" and "couldn't comprehend the complex mathematical equation," indicating that Mark tried hard but still had difficulty understanding.


In a textbook chapter about the life cycle of butterflies, what is the author's purpose?

The author's purpose is to inform the reader about the life cycle of butterflies.


The Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 18th century, marked a significant shift in human history. It was characterized by the transition from agrarian and handicraft economies to industrialized economies driven by machinery, factories, and mass production. Innovations such as the steam engine, textile machinery, and iron production techniques revolutionized manufacturing and transportation, leading to urbanization and profound social and economic changes. The Industrial Revolution laid the foundation for modern industrial societies and had far-reaching impacts on technology, society, and the environment.

The paragraph discusses the Industrial Revolution, highlighting its origins in Britain, key innovations, and its transformative effects on economies, societies, and technology.


"The king surveyed his kingdom from the balcony, unaware of the impending danger lurking in the shadows. What point of view is this sentence written in?"

Third person omniscient. The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters, including the king and the potential threat, providing a broader perspective.


The wind whispered through the trees 





 The detective carefully examined the crime scene, searching for any clues that might lead to the identity of the perpetrator.

The context clue is "examined the crime scene" and "searching for any clues," indicating that the detective is looking for evidence or hints.


In an advertisement for a new smartphone, what is the author's purpose?

The author's purpose is to persuade consumers to buy the new smartphone by highlighting its features and benefits.


Paragraph: The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, describes the continuous movement and exchange of water on Earth. It involves processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Water evaporates from oceans, lakes, and rivers due to solar energy and forms clouds. Condensation occurs when water vapor cools and transforms into liquid droplets, eventually leading to precipitation in the form of rain, snow, or hail. This water then flows over the land surface as runoff, eventually returning to the oceans or infiltrating into the ground to replenish groundwater.

The paragraph explains the water cycle, outlining its various stages and processes, including evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff.


"As I walked through the haunted house, I could feel my heart racing with fear. What point of view is this sentence written in?"

First person. The use of "I" indicates that the narrator is directly experiencing the events described.


The bee's buzzed around the girl's ear



 As the storm clouds gathered in the distance, the children hurried to finish their game and seek shelter.

The context clue is "storm clouds gathered in the distance" and "children hurried to finish their game and seek shelter," indicating that bad weather is approaching, prompting the children to rush.


When reading a news article reporting on recent scientific discoveries, what is the author's purpose?

  1. The author's purpose is to inform the reader about the latest scientific findings and developments.


Plate tectonics is a geological theory that describes the movement and interactions of Earth's lithosphere, which is divided into several large and small tectonic plates. These plates float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them and constantly move due to forces such as mantle convection, gravity, and ridge push. Plate boundaries are areas where tectonic plates meet and interact, resulting in geological features such as mountain ranges, earthquakes, volcanoes, and ocean trenches. The theory of plate tectonics provides a framework for understanding various geological phenomena and processes, including continental drift, seafloor spreading, and the formation of mountain ranges.

  1. The paragraph introduces plate tectonics as a geological theory explaining the movement and interactions of Earth's lithosphere. It discusses plate boundaries and their geological consequences, such as earthquakes and volcanoes, and highlights the theory's significance in understanding geological phenomena.


"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the shooting star streak across the night sky. What point of view is this sentence written in?"

First person. The use of "I" indicates that the narrator is directly witnessing the event described.
