New Oxford American,
Scholastic Children's
They're types of dictionaries
Jesus' crown when he was crucified was made of this.
From a leprechaun who's been evading cereal theft for decades:
"I love me Lucky Charms..."
They're magically delicious
Really emphasizing the whole "Guess" aesthetic, labels on Guess jeans fittingly feature this punctuation mark
A question mark
General Mills once sold cereals inspired by this organization's cookies, including Thin Mints & Caramel Crunch varietie
Girl Scouts
Tire, Soda, Foot
They can be flat
The person who ate holy temple bread when he was hungry.
The soundtrack to a bygone, pre-inflation sandwich era:
"5... 5 dollar...
5 dollar footlong
The logo of Lucky brand features this botanical item, a rare mutation of a shamrock said to bring good fortune
A four leaf clover
Buy me some peanuts &... milk? This ballpark snack inspired a cereal that also promised a prize in every box
Cracker Jacks
Punch, Tantrum, Football
You can throw them
Mountain where God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.
What is Mt. Moriah?
It's what khaki-wearing Jake has been telling us for years:
"Like a good neighbor..."
State farm is there
This fashion house's logo features the interlocking letters YSL
Yves Saint Laurent
Did I eat that? This nerdy "Family Matters" character inspired a '90s cereal with strawberry & banana loop
A Ball - A Fish - A Cold
You catch them
Food that Samson ate from the dead carcass of a lion.
Motivation for aspiring toilet users since 1991:
"Mommy, wow!..."
I'm a big kid now
Officially called a "wave design", some think the logo of this athleisure brand resembles the Greek letter omega
"Doo doo doo doo doo doo" you want a bowl of Kellogg's berry fin-tastic cereal named after this young aquatic creature of song
Baby Shark
The Navy - A Deli - An Absent Teacher
They all have subs
The final wound to the dead body of Jesus on the cross.
his side was pierced
A single word with alphorn accompaniment, it's the jingle for a product first made in 1940 from organic Swiss herbs
The North Face logo has a symbol inspired by Half Dome, a noted rock formation in this California national park
A favorite breakfast of Tommy Pickles & friends, Reptar cereal was inspired by this classic Nicktoon