This individual has over 50 Funko pop dolls
This staff member cried and was inconsolable when Mufasa died
If you have an appointment and cannot make it to zoom you can let staff know by calling or texting your counselor before the start of the zoom you plan to miss.
True or False
If you need to miss a zoom due to another important obligation, you can let staff know by calling or texting your counselor ahead of your appointment. This way you don't have to interrupt or distract from the zoom in progress to notify staff.
Which staff normally leads Wednesday's social Hour
Ms. Pepe
What is David's Place's address
1870 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach CA 90806
This individual collects stuff animals, they like to share them with the group during zoom
This staff member advocates for you on Tuesdays at 1pm
It isn't that important for all individuals to be respectful to staff and others while participating in program
True or False
It is very important that individuals remain respectful to both staff and other individuals at all times while participating in program. This way everyone can enjoy the time spent together while in program
Which club talked about the Mars Rover Perseverance
Nature Club
What type of pizza did Mady bring up during Culinary group today.
Peanut butter Pizza!
This person loves to watch star trek, and writes stories in is journal.
Adam G
This staff member taught us about Vincent Van Gogh
During zoom, it is okay if you are lying down.
True or false
All individuals should be sitting up and looking at the camera.
Which staff leads Friday's social hour
In Nature we learned the Mars Rover travels ___ cm per _____
2 centimeters per second
This individual loves to listen to Tupac's music.
Adam B
This staff member Loves animals, and used to work at the animal shelter
During the Expressive Arts Zoom is the perfect time to talk about care packages.
True or False
The only time care packages should be discussed is during Advocacy or during your one on one with your counselor.
In which group did we learn about the Tree Lobster, also known as the Lord Howe Island Stick insect
In Nature Club
How many zoom groups do you need to attend to meet full time participation requirements
Two zooms each day, Monday through Friday.
This person is going to Shakey's for his birthday in July.
Which staff member rides a Harley Davidson motor cycle
Dr. Santiago
During zoom, if you need to eat you should point the camera at your mouth so everyone knows what you are eating
True or False
If you need to eat during zoom, you should let the staff know in the CHAT that you need to eat and will be turning your camera off until you finish.
The __________club talks about our favorites things to do in our spare time
Hobby Club
What is the name of Dr. Santiago's baby
In this week's Job Seeker zoom group this individual said they went to a baby shower over the weekend
Chris Fregoso
This Staff member recently got married
Staff is responsible for sending out zoom links everyday to every individual that asks.
True or False
When staff sends links to individuals it is a curtesy. It is each individual's responsibility to keep the zoom schedule provided to them in a safe and easy to access place so they may log onto zoom at the scheduled times.
What type of cake did we talk about making during Culinary
A Crepe Cake
Name three plants we have in the Garden Area right now
Dragon Fruit, Strawberries, Jalapeno, blue berries Pomegranate, Mint, Basil, Oregano, Aloe Vera, Tomatoes, Venus Fly Trap.
These individuals said they wanted to get a job
Elizabeth, Jeremiah, Chris Fregoso
This Staff will be making a mural for David's Place. Who is it
When participating in zoom you should make sure to move your camera around as much as possible so people know your camera can move.
True or False
During zoom, you should limit your movements as much as possible because too much movement can distract and may cause others to become dizzy.
During culinary group what state did Seta say she was in when she tried a slice of crepe cake
New York city
Name the May gift card options (hint: there are 3 choices)
This morning, which individual suggested that we go on a virtual tour eating delicious sweets and cookies
This staff member mentioned that they were born blind, who is the staff member.
Individuals should wear pajamas to zoom every now and then to show others that pajamas are the best thing ever!
True or False
Everyone should follow the programs dress code policies which includes wearing proper attire (no tank tops, no pajamas)
During advocacy, staff discussed new criteria for earning gift cards, what is the new criteria
Individuals must be responsible and adhere to rules and, requirements not only at David's Place, but also at their individual group homes as well.
Who supervises the counselors at David's place