A decision made by a court. The court will announce its _________. The ability to make good decisions about what should be done. Use good ________ when deciding what's appropiate to wear to school.
A business deal; and occurrence in which goods, services, or money are passed from one person or account to another; the act or process of doing business with another person or company. The entire business ___________ took place over the phone.
Very bad or poor, showing or causing unhappiness or sad feelings. The atmosphere in the church during the funeral was ________.
To become involved in the activities and concerns of other people when your involvement is not wanted; to stop or slow something or to make something more difficult. My brother wants to constantly _________ with my life!
The power or right to make judgments about the law and to arrest and punish criminals. The court has __________ over criminal offenses that occur in the county.
To change something completely and usually in a good way. New paint and flooring can ________ the look of any room.
To fail to function or work properly. When a store's point-of-sale equipment _________, no customers can be checked out.
Used or accepted for a limited time; not permanent. Since the mayor resigned, an ________ mayor will have to take over until a new mayor can be elected.
A member of a jury (a group consisting of members of the public who are chosen to make a decision in a legal case). The _______ was excused from jury duty because of her chronical illness.
A change from one state or condition to another. She is not quite ready to begin the ________ from kindergarten to first grade.
A desire to cause harm to others. The prosecutor had to prove that the crime was committed with _________.
Relating to or connecting different states; existing or occurring between states, especially in the U.S. The committee discussed ways to increase __________ commerce.
The crime of telling a lie in court after promising to tell the truth. After she lied on the witness stand, the judge found her guilty of _________.
Having controls that allow something to work or happen without being directly controlled by a person; happening or done without deliberate thought or effort. When I asked to go to the party, Mom gave an ________ "no."
Very serious and dangerous; tending or likely to grow and spread in a rapid and uncontrolled way that ca cause death; cancerous. A biopsy can determine if a tumor is ________ and needs treatment.
Exiting or occurring within the boundaries of a state, especially in the US. The governor is attempting to promote ________ relations.
An unfair feeling of dislike a person or group based on race, gender, religion, etc. The company has a history of _________ against women when promoting.
The state of existing or acting separately from others. Mrs. Dell stresses individual ________ in the fifth grade.
Provide with insufficient quality or quantity of food or nourishment. Sometimes an animal will __________ its young.
Occurring within one's mind or thoughts. My emotions tend to remain _________.