Where were Joseph and Mary from?
What was Jesus' first miracle
He turned water into wine
What did Jesus say to do to your enemies?
Love them
Who was the forerunner for Jesus?
John the Baptist
What did the sign above Jesus' cross say?
Jesus the Nazarine the King of the Jews
How old was Jesus when He first talked to the elders at the temple in Jerusalem?
What Miracle did Jesus perform on His good friend?
He raised him from the dead
"Blessed are the _____ in heart
Name 5 of the "I Am" statements without looking
Bread of Life, Gate, Resurrection, light, Good Shepherd, the way the truth and the life, vine
On the third time that Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection what did He do?
Made them breakfast
Why did Herod want to kill all the little babies?
He didn't want another king.
What did the parents of the man born blind tell the Pharisees?
He is of age ask him
Jesus taught us to be _______ in the darkness and to be the _______ of the earth
Light and salt
What did Jesus tell Peter to do?
Feed My Sheep
What did Jesus have the man born blind do?
Wash his the clay off his eyes
What name did God tell Mary and Joseph to name their child?
After feeding the 5000 what did the disciples do with the leftovers?
gathered up 12 baskets full
Why were the Pharisees angry with Jesus for healing the infirm man?
Because He did it on the Sabbath
What did Mary Magdalene see when she looked into the tomb?
Two angels
Jesus said the hour has come for the Son of Man to be _____.
What does the name Immanuel mean?
God is with us
What sea did Jesus calm with the words "Peace be still"?
Sea of Galilee
What lesson did Jesus teach Nicodemus?
You must be born again
God is Spirit and those who worship Him Must_____.
Worship Him in Spirit and Truth
When Jesus went to the temple He said stop making My Father's House a place of _____.