Who was the first Prophet
Adam عَلَیهِالسَّلام
How many chapters in the Quran?
Who was the closes companions
Abu Bakr
how many sunah rakah are there before fajr
How many days are there in ramadan(both answers needed)
What was the name of Adam عَلَیهِالسَّلام wife (islamic name)
What is the first surah in the Quran
Surah Fatihah
which companion was known for his wealth
Uthman ibn Affan
What is the last moment you can pray fajr at?
Just before sunrise
Who was the second last prophet
What surah in english has the meaning "the cow"?
Surah Baqarah
Who was given the title "sword of Allah"
Khalid ibn waleed
Asr salah has how many sunan rakah
Who is locked up during Ramadan
Which 4 prophets were given books
Dawuudعَلَیهِالسَّلام, Musaعَلَیهِالسَّلام, Isaعَلَیهِالسَّلام, Muhammad sallahualayhiwasalam
Which surahs are part of the four "Kuls"
Surah Ikhlas,Nas,Falaq,Ahad
Who is the daughter of Abu bakr?
Aisha (ra)
What is the name of the sacred night in ramadan and what is the reward?
deeds doe on this day are like you have done them every day for 83 years
Which person from the family of Nuhعَلَیهِالسَّلام was not saved.
His son
How many surahs in the Quran
which sahabah was blind?
Abdullah ibn umm Muqtum
On what journey did the prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalam become informed of salah?
Isra and Miraj
What is the salah prayed before fajr in ramadan?
Qiyamul layl