How many pieces of information does a member need calling on their own behalf?
What is the 1st recording played for the member when completing an application?
Notice of Consent
True or False. You must have a social security number to receive MassHealth?
False! Those without a SSN can still receive benefits, just not full coverage
If a member 65+ calls and needs to complete an application, where would you transfer them?
MA_TXFR_SACA_Eng (Speed dial 334)
Does a member with an Aid Category of B2 receive a MH ID card?
Can a NAV make changes to a members account without them present?
What is a RFI?
Request for Information
How do you view notices in MA21?
A member enrolled in Community Care Cooperative needs to change their PCP, where do you transfer them?
Is Medicare a TPL?
True or False. You can verify a member with their email address?
False! You can verify using ______?
True or False ? CSRs can update members DOB during and outside of renewal?
False, only the MEC can update a members DOB, at ANY TIME
Does MassHealth Limited cover certain medical services provided by doctors and clinics outside of a hospital?
An assistant from a doctor's office is calling regarding a member's coverage, where would you transfer them?
What website do you refer members to that will help compare, pick, and enroll in a health plan?
Where can you verify the child/parent relationship in Hix?
Medicaid Household Summary
What does ESI stand for ?
Employer Sponsored Insurance
What can a member do, if they can not provide proof of income?
Submit the affidavit to verify zero income (found on
A caller wants to apply for MassHealth, where would you transfer them?
MA_Applications_Eng (which is nowhere because you ARE applications lol)
How often does a person 21+ receive a new pair of eyeglasses?
Every 24 months
Where can you verify the child/parent relationship in MA21?
Screen 3
How long does a member have to complete an expired renewal?
90 days
Who is not eligible for a MH ID card?
If you only receive premium payments, or have the health connector or HSN
What is the speed dial code for Health Safety Net?
What are the five safeguards of HIPPA?
Access, administrative, confidentiality, physical, and technical