What is a force?
A push or pull.
What are the 4 main stages of a life cycle?
birth, growth, reproduction, and death.
What is a tundra?
Cold habitat. It is often rocky and flat.
What is the atmosphere?
The layer of air around the Earth.
What is visible light?
Light we can see with our eye. We can see red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
What is motion?
A change of position.
True or False: Plants have life cycles.
Why is it difficult for most organisms to live in a desert habitat?
It is hot and dry. There can be a lack of resources.
What types of tools do meteorologists use?
Temperature gauge, anemometer , etc.
What is pitch?
How high or low a sound is.
What is a balanced force?
When the force on both sides of the object is equal.
Give an example of the environment affecting an organism.
Example: Flamingoes are pink because of what they eat.
What are examples of water habitats?
ocean, pond, river, lake
Why do meteorologists collect data on weather?
To make predictions about weather.
What is boiling point?
The temperature in which a material turns from liquid to gas.
What is an unbalanced force?
When the force on one side of an object is more than the other.
Why do some types of animals travel in groups?
For protection
What is an adaption?
A body part/ behavior that helps a living thing survive.
What is climate?
The weather patterns in one place over time.
What is buoyancy?
If an object is able to float or not.
What's an example of a helpful trait?
A white fox that lives in a wintery location will blend in with its environment. This helps it to hunt.
What's an example of an animal with a helpful adaption?
Giraffe's have long necks to reach food.
What are 4 examples of extreme weather?
tsunami, hurricane, tornado, blizzards
What is an example of kinetic energy?
A rollercoaster going down a hill.